Am I missing something here?

So everyone who has seen me knows my protocol, if you don't want to agree to it then move on. So I am "suppose" to have an appointment later and this new friend of mine has followed everything to a T, except for a phone number. I have the deposit like I required and for the past two days I have explained to him sometimes my emails won't load and that I need a phone number so that when time gets closer I am able to call him and confirm and lead him in the direction for our date. All I get back is ok just email me. No I need the phone number. Ugh what am I missing here. I mean guys if you pay my deposit would you not want to give me your phone number to reach you on so that you are not losing your money? I am lost and just don't understand why someone would send me a deposit but not the phone number.
I do not like to give my number out either. In fact I won't. Maybe he feels the same way.
Well he finally gave it to me. But if you are emailing back and forth and then a glitch happens with the email you would think she bailed on you when you showed up and she did not respond.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
I would say if it bugs you... Don't except deposit till you have all of the other info you require. That way if they don't feel comfy doing something like sending a number, pic, i.d whatever it is you require... they don't feel like they just got robbed... covers your reputation and theirs as well... mention the deposit if you require it but don't except it till you have all the things needed to book... just an idea...
I do not like to give my number out either. In fact I won't. Maybe he feels the same way. Originally Posted by Captain47
This is why you get a hobby phone.
john_deere's Avatar
if people - clients or providers - lose money or an appointment because of constraints they placed on their own ability to communicate, that's just tough shit on them.
WW1flyingAce's Avatar
I agree with your sentiments, John, but then the provider may have to endure negative reviews when hobbyer loses his money. I think OP is trying to be understanding and professional, but in this business you can do your best and still not get screwed.