Hear Ye Hear Ye - Republicans If You're Poor Now You'll Be Poor In Another 4 Years Nothing Changes

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
First off I accept the loss but I won't congratulate a man who I whole-heartedly believe is intellectually and morally inferior to me personally. Secondly if you are poor now and haven't accomplished anything in your life, if you drive a barely functioning pick-up truck with stickers that say Make America Great, riding around poor and getting poorer by the day like DSK and the Corolla driving LL, then your life won't change one iota. Trump winning is not for your benefit, it's for the benefit of the wealthy and some other people like me.

Here's the reality. Banninng hates Paul Ryan as much as he hates Hillary but guess what; Paul Ryan (same party House Speaker) is actually more powerful than the President. Trump will find out the hard way.

  • Trump will not build a wall (doesn't matter who pays for it)
  • Trump will not deport illegal immigrants (violence and tension will escalate)
  • Rapes of women will go up now that he KKK feel emboldened by his win
  • Trump will not ban Muslims (Paul Ryan won't allow it)
  • Trump will repeal Obama care (markets will crash; healthcare costs will once again sky rocket and we'll once again be on the verge on another great depression
  • Trump will start another war (thinking he will get Iraq's oil)
  • Trump will tear up the world nuclear agreement with Iran and pose ineffective unilateral sanctions. Allowing Iran to get from underneath the deal build it's nuclear arms while only being sanctioned by the US.
  • Putin will become more aggressive and America will become an official ally; NATO will go to war with the US while Putin sits back and laughs. The Russian economy will be rebuilt off the backs of the uneducated non college degree having red neck hicks who voted Trump in
  • I fully expect a decline in private sector job growth. Trump will cut taxes for the wealthy but we live in a greedy capitalistic society and instead of creating more jobs they will use that tax money to reinvest in themselves as usual. Poor rural folks lives won't change what-so-ever and they'll be disillusioned again in 4 yrs.
  • Jobs will be created but they will be temporary government infrastructure jobs similar to what Obama wanted
  • Having a duck dynasty hick in office may actually be what we need to rival Rome in our expedient demise.

So go ahead rejoice. Ride around in your smoke filled tail pipe pick-up trucks with your straw hats, dungarees, and scraggly beards while you eat your pork sausage and drink your lone star beer. Grab your dicks and yell :"I'm a real Murican" fact is you will still be piss poor and likely uneducated in 4 years. Nothing will change. You'll still be old angry racists with no upside to life.

Congrats though on your victory well deserved now
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-09-2016, 06:58 AM
Rapes of women will go up now that he KKK feel emboldened by his win.
Now dear you love to point out things that I post. Please who's ass did you pull that out of?
I do think that Fat Bastard should leave the forum. Maybe it would give him time to walk to a Starbucks.
First off I accept the loss but I won't congratulate a man who I whole-heartedly believe is intellectually and morally inferior to me personally. Secondly if you are poor now and haven't accomplished anything in your life, if you drive a barely functioning pick-up truck with stickers that say Make America Great, riding around poor and getting poorer by the day like DSK and the Corolla driving LL, then your life won't change one iota. Trump winning is not for your benefit, it's for the benefit of the wealthy and some other people like me.

Here's the reality. Banninng hates Paul Ryan as much as he hates Hillary but guess what; Paul Ryan (same party House Speaker) is actually more powerful than the President. Trump will find out the hard way.

  • Trump will not build a wall (doesn't matter who pays for it)
  • Trump will not deport illegal immigrants (violence and tension will escalate)
  • Rapes of women will go up now that he KKK feel emboldened by his win
  • Trump will not ban Muslims (Paul Ryan won't allow it)
  • Trump will repeal Obama care (markets will crash; healthcare costs will once again sky rocket and we'll once again be on the verge on another great depression
  • Trump will start another war (thinking he will get Iraq's oil)
  • Trump will tear up the world nuclear agreement with Iran and pose ineffective unilateral sanctions. Allowing Iran to get from underneath the deal build it's nuclear arms while only being sanctioned by the US.
  • Putin will become more aggressive and America will become an official ally; NATO will go to war with the US while Putin sits back and laughs. The Russian economy will be rebuilt off the backs of the uneducated non college degree having red neck hicks who voted Trump in
  • I fully expect a decline in private sector job growth. Trump will cut taxes for the wealthy but we live in a greedy capitalistic society and instead of creating more jobs they will use that tax money to reinvest in themselves as usual. Poor rural folks lives won't change what-so-ever and they'll be disillusioned again in 4 yrs.
  • Jobs will be created but they will be temporary government infrastructure jobs similar to what Obama wanted
  • Having a duck dynasty hick in office may actually be what we need to rival Rome in our expedient demise.

So go ahead rejoice. Ride around in your smoke filled tail pipe pick-up trucks with your straw hats, dungarees, and scraggly beards while you eat your pork sausage and drink your lone star beer. Grab your dicks and yell :"I'm a real Murican" fact is you will still be piss poor and likely uneducated in 4 years. Nothing will change. You'll still be old angry racists with no upside to life.

Congrats though on your victory well deserved now Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
FUCK YOU, aren't you leaving liberal loser?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Fuckin' sore loser.
LexusLover's Avatar
Fuckin' sore loser. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
She's been a loser. Now she's just sore!

She's so ugly she has to pretend to be a guy!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Rapes of women will go up now ..... Originally Posted by R.M.
Bill Clinton didn't win! Didn't you get the memo?
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-09-2016, 07:46 AM
  • DSK
  • 11-09-2016, 09:53 AM
First off I accept the loss but I won't congratulate a man who I whole-heartedly believe is intellectually and morally inferior to me personally. Secondly if you are poor now and haven't accomplished anything in your life, if you drive a barely functioning pick-up truck with stickers that say Make America Great, riding around poor and getting poorer by the day like DSK and the Corolla driving LL, then your life won't change one iota. Trump winning is not for your benefit, it's for the benefit of the wealthy and some other people like me.

Here's the reality. Banninng hates Paul Ryan as much as he hates Hillary but guess what; Paul Ryan (same party House Speaker) is actually more powerful than the President. Trump will find out the hard way.

  • Trump will not build a wall (doesn't matter who pays for it)
  • Trump will not deport illegal immigrants (violence and tension will escalate)
  • Rapes of women will go up now that he KKK feel emboldened by his win
  • Trump will not ban Muslims (Paul Ryan won't allow it)
  • Trump will repeal Obama care (markets will crash; healthcare costs will once again sky rocket and we'll once again be on the verge on another great depression
  • Trump will start another war (thinking he will get Iraq's oil)
  • Trump will tear up the world nuclear agreement with Iran and pose ineffective unilateral sanctions. Allowing Iran to get from underneath the deal build it's nuclear arms while only being sanctioned by the US.
  • Putin will become more aggressive and America will become an official ally; NATO will go to war with the US while Putin sits back and laughs. The Russian economy will be rebuilt off the backs of the uneducated non college degree having red neck hicks who voted Trump in
  • I fully expect a decline in private sector job growth. Trump will cut taxes for the wealthy but we live in a greedy capitalistic society and instead of creating more jobs they will use that tax money to reinvest in themselves as usual. Poor rural folks lives won't change what-so-ever and they'll be disillusioned again in 4 yrs.
  • Jobs will be created but they will be temporary government infrastructure jobs similar to what Obama wanted
  • Having a duck dynasty hick in office may actually be what we need to rival Rome in our expedient demise.

So go ahead rejoice. Ride around in your smoke filled tail pipe pick-up trucks with your straw hats, dungarees, and scraggly beards while you eat your pork sausage and drink your lone star beer. Grab your dicks and yell :"I'm a real Murican" fact is you will still be piss poor and likely uneducated in 4 years. Nothing will change. You'll still be old angry racists with no upside to life.

Congrats though on your victory well deserved now Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
That smoke filled tailpipe is done on purpose - it is called rolling coal!!!

I love to smoke out [prohibited word]s and act like it is just my shitty old truck choking the motherfuckers!! In truth, it is easy to do, just put in a performance chip that overloads the motor with diesel, and it burns in the exhaust. Just the kind of shit we boys do for fun around these parts.
First off I accept the loss but I won't congratulate a man who I whole-heartedly believe is intellectually and morally inferior to me personally. Secondly if you are poor now and haven't accomplished anything in your life, if you drive a barely functioning pick-up truck with stickers that say Make America Great, riding around poor and getting poorer by the day like DSK and the Corolla driving LL, then your life won't change one iota. Trump winning is not for your benefit, it's for the benefit of the wealthy and some other people like me.

Here's the reality. Banninng hates Paul Ryan as much as he hates Hillary but guess what; Paul Ryan (same party House Speaker) is actually more powerful than the President. Trump will find out the hard way.

  • Trump will not build a wall (doesn't matter who pays for it)
  • Trump will not deport illegal immigrants (violence and tension will escalate)
  • Rapes of women will go up now that he KKK feel emboldened by his win
  • Trump will not ban Muslims (Paul Ryan won't allow it)
  • Trump will repeal Obama care (markets will crash; healthcare costs will once again sky rocket and we'll once again be on the verge on another great depression
  • Trump will start another war (thinking he will get Iraq's oil)
  • Trump will tear up the world nuclear agreement with Iran and pose ineffective unilateral sanctions. Allowing Iran to get from underneath the deal build it's nuclear arms while only being sanctioned by the US.
  • Putin will become more aggressive and America will become an official ally; NATO will go to war with the US while Putin sits back and laughs. The Russian economy will be rebuilt off the backs of the uneducated non college degree having red neck hicks who voted Trump in
  • I fully expect a decline in private sector job growth. Trump will cut taxes for the wealthy but we live in a greedy capitalistic society and instead of creating more jobs they will use that tax money to reinvest in themselves as usual. Poor rural folks lives won't change what-so-ever and they'll be disillusioned again in 4 yrs.
  • Jobs will be created but they will be temporary government infrastructure jobs similar to what Obama wanted
  • Having a duck dynasty hick in office may actually be what we need to rival Rome in our expedient demise.

So go ahead rejoice. Ride around in your smoke filled tail pipe pick-up trucks with your straw hats, dungarees, and scraggly beards while you eat your pork sausage and drink your lone star beer. Grab your dicks and yell :"I'm a real Murican" fact is you will still be piss poor and likely uneducated in 4 years. Nothing will change. You'll still be old angry racists with no upside to life.

Congrats though on your victory well deserved now Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You just wish that you could be a redneck sissy chump now go Jack off with assup and retarded lenny
First off I accept the loss but I won't congratulate a man who I whole-heartedly believe is intellectually and morally inferior to me personally. Secondly if you are poor now and haven't accomplished anything in your life, if you drive a barely functioning pick-up truck with stickers that say Make America Great, riding around poor and getting poorer by the day like DSK and the Corolla driving LL, then your life won't change one iota. Trump winning is not for your benefit, it's for the benefit of the wealthy and some other people like me.

Here's the reality. Banninng hates Paul Ryan as much as he hates Hillary but guess what; Paul Ryan (same party House Speaker) is actually more powerful than the President. Trump will find out the hard way.

  • Trump will not build a wall (doesn't matter who pays for it)
  • Trump will not deport illegal immigrants (violence and tension will escalate)
  • Rapes of women will go up now that he KKK feel emboldened by his win
  • Trump will not ban Muslims (Paul Ryan won't allow it)
  • Trump will repeal Obama care (markets will crash; healthcare costs will once again sky rocket and we'll once again be on the verge on another great depression
  • Trump will start another war (thinking he will get Iraq's oil)
  • Trump will tear up the world nuclear agreement with Iran and pose ineffective unilateral sanctions. Allowing Iran to get from underneath the deal build it's nuclear arms while only being sanctioned by the US.
  • Putin will become more aggressive and America will become an official ally; NATO will go to war with the US while Putin sits back and laughs. The Russian economy will be rebuilt off the backs of the uneducated non college degree having red neck hicks who voted Trump in
  • I fully expect a decline in private sector job growth. Trump will cut taxes for the wealthy but we live in a greedy capitalistic society and instead of creating more jobs they will use that tax money to reinvest in themselves as usual. Poor rural folks lives won't change what-so-ever and they'll be disillusioned again in 4 yrs.
  • Jobs will be created but they will be temporary government infrastructure jobs similar to what Obama wanted
  • Having a duck dynasty hick in office may actually be what we need to rival Rome in our expedient demise.

So go ahead rejoice. Ride around in your smoke filled tail pipe pick-up trucks with your straw hats, dungarees, and scraggly beards while you eat your pork sausage and drink your lone star beer. Grab your dicks and yell :"I'm a real Murican" fact is you will still be piss poor and likely uneducated in 4 years. Nothing will change. You'll still be old angry racists with no upside to life.

Congrats though on your victory well deserved now Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
"If you're poor today you will be poor in four years". Well that's probably true. Ya know they say, What you do today, you'll do tomorrow" So with that being said, I think it's safe to assume in four years you'll still be scamming people, lol.

Poor people will still be poor? What, was hillary sup posed to give them free money?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
That is what they wanted to believe.
Gotyour6's Avatar
So like Obama never left?

Will he spend trillions of dollars on bullshit?
First off I accept the loss but I won't congratulate a man who I whole-heartedly believe is intellectually and morally inferior to me personally. Secondly if you are poor now and haven't accomplished anything in your life, if you drive a barely functioning pick-up truck with stickers that say Make America Great, riding around poor and getting poorer by the day like DSK and the Corolla driving LL, then your life won't change one iota. Trump winning is not for your benefit, it's for the benefit of the wealthy and some other people like me.

Here's the reality. Banninng hates Paul Ryan as much as he hates Hillary but guess what; Paul Ryan (same party House Speaker) is actually more powerful than the President. Trump will find out the hard way.

  • Trump will not build a wall (doesn't matter who pays for it)
  • Trump will not deport illegal immigrants (violence and tension will escalate)
  • Rapes of women will go up now that he KKK feel emboldened by his win
  • Trump will not ban Muslims (Paul Ryan won't allow it)
  • Trump will repeal Obama care (markets will crash; healthcare costs will once again sky rocket and we'll once again be on the verge on another great depression
  • Trump will start another war (thinking he will get Iraq's oil)
  • Trump will tear up the world nuclear agreement with Iran and pose ineffective unilateral sanctions. Allowing Iran to get from underneath the deal build it's nuclear arms while only being sanctioned by the US.
  • Putin will become more aggressive and America will become an official ally; NATO will go to war with the US while Putin sits back and laughs. The Russian economy will be rebuilt off the backs of the uneducated non college degree having red neck hicks who voted Trump in
  • I fully expect a decline in private sector job growth. Trump will cut taxes for the wealthy but we live in a greedy capitalistic society and instead of creating more jobs they will use that tax money to reinvest in themselves as usual. Poor rural folks lives won't change what-so-ever and they'll be disillusioned again in 4 yrs.
  • Jobs will be created but they will be temporary government infrastructure jobs similar to what Obama wanted
  • Having a duck dynasty hick in office may actually be what we need to rival Rome in our expedient demise.

So go ahead rejoice. Ride around in your smoke filled tail pipe pick-up trucks with your straw hats, dungarees, and scraggly beards while you eat your pork sausage and drink your lone star beer. Grab your dicks and yell :"I'm a real Murican" fact is you will still be piss poor and likely uneducated in 4 years. Nothing will change. You'll still be old angry racists with no upside to life.

Congrats though on your victory well deserved now Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Sooooo..... no more invites to the White House for " tha Brothas " in the #blackliesandlootingmatters and YOU are pissed about it. And maybe no more riding roughshod over local police from the INjustice Department when the #blackliesandlootingmatter homies riot when one of their " gentle giant homies " robs a convenience store, threatens it's smaller owner with violence if he tries to keep the thug from shoplifting and DOESN'T obey a Police Officer's order to put his hands up after the thug assaults the police officer. Mebbe the #blackliesandlootingmatters homies can go " help da hood " up in Chicago by burning IT down ! Of course " dey Dindu Nuffin ! "
"If you're poor today you will be poor in four years". Well that's probably true. Ya know they say, What you do today, you'll do tomorrow" So with that being said, I think it's safe to assume in four years you'll still be scamming people, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And he'll STILL be taking it in the ass in 4 years !