tax refund... what do to?

Just got my refund. It's a few hundred dollars. Granted, a few hundred dollars is not much but then again, any refund is always nice.

For those that are getting a refund, what do you plan to do with the extra money?

Raider Power's Avatar
Your one of the Lucky Ones my friend!!!! I PAY in every year, haven't seen a refund in many years!
bored@home's Avatar
Save it for next year whebyou have to pay in
...or walk into a strip club, change it to ones...put on dark sunglasses and walk up to a empty stage and make it rain in one toss. Then feel around for a chair and stevie wonder around looking at the expressions.
netman's Avatar
I'm getting a large tax refund... close to $5k.

I've been thinking of who to do.... ummm, I mean what to do with it.

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  • fryec
  • 04-21-2013, 06:34 PM
Buy gold. Not paper. Physical.