Dallas International Guitar Festival

Well the DIGF is this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, any ladies or fellow hobbyist going. One of my favorite events though lately I only go on Saturday mornings and spend several hours looking and talking with my friends in the industry.

Much interest in music and guitars here? Just curious
Digitalman's Avatar
Thanks for the info . I have lived here for years and never knew about this . I probably won't be attending this year because of prior obligations . Next year maybe. I just gave the website a quick look but seen a few names I wouldn't mind seeing like Derringer and Michaelangelo Bato . Who knows I might be able to steal away for a few hours this sounds like something I would like a lot .

Awesome!!!!! Grr I won't be here though
Roguejet's Avatar
Yup - I'm goin; couple of buddies will have a booth set up - looking forward to it
Mopar71's Avatar
I'll be there today and maybe tomrw. Hope to sell a few basses today. The last two yrs I've sold loads of basses there. Nice line ups for the show also.