Help a brother out

1-14-19 I tried to meet girl from STG.
Communication was good, she asked for picture... Until this moment I thought a picture of face (partially obscure) was a fair screening method, but now I'm starting to think that is a bad idea. No communication after picture.

Before the jokes come in, I'm better than average looking, and I know there is a plethora of other potential reasons. I'm just looking for insight from other hobbyist.
Looks way to good to be true... but she does have a 205 telephone number which helps.
But...dont think for a moment you aren’t exposing yourself every time you send your pic out there. Heard...Too many black mail stories from guys who done that.
There are even sites that take your number, pic and come back around to extort money from you.
Proceed with caution!!!
She is a real whore,takes American,she will probably contact you wanting money
I would say scam or LE her ad has 205 number listed but if you click on the call me link it has a 504 number listed, neither number has any reviews associated with it.

Run away, run fast!!! lol
Ooh man! I use a burner but even that concerns me. Has anyone had problems with this method? Pic was obscure as I could take it but facial recognition Software.... I don't think I will do that again.
I would bet they wanted a picture to make you think they were real.Its a scam
Cassie107's Avatar
Sending a pic is not screening. What does sending a pic prove? Does it tell someone that you're not a cop or ax murderer? Last I checked Leo and psychos were capable of taking a selfie and sending it lol. Be cautious of ladies who REQUIRE face pics.
Thanks Cassie I agree for future enterprises. One of reasons I started a thread on this forum was also to help educate some of the other members who might b acting under misguided conceptions. I met a couple of girls who were legit and wanted a pic.
I don’t think I’ve ever asked for a pic lol wonder if I would from now on ��