Anything New in Houston?

How are all my sexy friends? It's been a while. Someone's gotta catch me up on what hot out here😏
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Forecasters say we're going to have at least 4 more weeks of mild weather.
How are all my sexy friends? It's been a while. Someone's gotta catch me up on what hot out here😏 Originally Posted by Eves Essence
Nothing. You are the hottest thing in Houston now. It has been sucky.
TryWeakly's Avatar
ifn Pit hadn't gotten his ass banned, he could probalby talk with you. Word on the street he is a "wealth of information" ....and can probably even help you with your game.....

He'll be back soon enough, I suspect. Once he does, you two can "connect" ...
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Ich verstehe nicht, wie einige von euch diesen Verandaaffen mietfrei in ihrem Gehirn leben lassen. Genug der Ruhe und hör auf, den Knöchelschlepper nach oben zu bringen
: I don't understand how y'all let that porch monkey live rent free in your cranium. Enjoy the quiet & stop bringing that knuckle dragger up :
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Let's get back to Eve's question of new whatnot in Houston.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Festivalwochenende für NCAA-Enthusiasten
: NCAA Fan Fest next weekend :

Home Run Einbaum, die Baseball-Version von Beste Golf in Katy, wird bald eröffnet
: Home Run Dugout, the baseball version of Top Golf in Katy opening soon :
Cendell M's Avatar

Ich verstehe nicht, wie einige von euch diesen Verandaaffen mietfrei in ihrem Gehirn leben lassen. Genug der Ruhe und hör auf, den Knöchelschlepper nach oben zu bringen
: I don't understand how y'all let that porch monkey live rent free in your cranium. Enjoy the quiet & stop bringing that knuckle dragger up : Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Pffft damn it lol