sex workers blog

sue_nami's Avatar The Honest Courtesan has a wonderful blog about the men who speak out for sex worker rights and compliments them in good ways. Which does take balls these days. There are too few of these kinds of men, who understand the value of sex workers and their enormous contributions to society. Guys, why not get on this list too?

This is copied from Annie Sprinkle's facebook status and thought y'all might like this link
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 12-10-2013, 01:40 PM is another good one if you haven't seen that yet.
greymouse's Avatar The Honest Courtesan has a wonderful blog about the men who speak out for sex worker rights and compliments them in good ways. Which does take balls these days. There are too few of these kinds of men, who understand the value of sex workers and their enormous contributions to society. Guys, why not get on this list too? Originally Posted by sue_nami
Thanks for the link. The list included some interesting names like humor columnist Dave Barry who is said to have "libertarian leanings". I don't think I have heard of a capital "L" Libertarian who has a sense of humor before but that may be due to spending too much time on economics blogs where humor of any kind is scarce. Chester Brown is familiar face too, since as a graphics novelist/ cartoonist he drew himself quite a lot in his non-fiction graphics novel Paying for It about life as a Customer Guy. It is good stuff, full of things like his past self looking under the bed and in the closet and bathroom on his first incall visit for ???? Whatever Customer Guys are afraid of?

Fashion designer Karl Langerfield stood out too as the only person whose's picture looks like a character in a Fellini movie. Then there is British actor Rupert Everett whose youthful experience in the industry was on the receptive side, or maybe layer. That kind of experience likely would make a fellow more sympathetic with sex workers if maybe not so much with Customer Guys.

Ms McNeil's opening remarks on the "rising tide of “end demand” and other Swedish-flavored prohibitionism" lead me over to the Guardian website where there was a story about the lower house of the French National Assembly having passed a bill last week to inflict a Swedish-style "arrest the Customer Guy, not the working girl" law on La Belle France. Not a good sign. The Guardian also has an interesting map of sex work laws in Europe at:
Everything not in purple on that map (most of it) is less restrictive than here in the land of the free. At least for now. The Honest Courtesan has a wonderful blog about the men who speak out for sex worker rights and compliments them in good ways. Which does take balls these days. There are too few of these kinds of men, who understand the value of sex workers and their enormous contributions to society. Guys, why not get on this list too?

This is copied from Annie Sprinkle's facebook status and thought y'all might like this link Originally Posted by sue_nami

That is very interesting thanks for posting it!!