good to be back......but seems i have a upset fan.

I been off for a couple weeks but when I got back I was told all kinds of stuff was pimps here buddy and no I was not in jail,and what ever else that was said.anyway,good to be back,and hope to see y'all soon.

P.s.can a girl just take a brake........omg!
pyramider's Avatar
No breaks without the gossips whispering.

I heard you moved to Barcelona to become a professional soccer player.
Welcome back!
Whoo hooo your back
SOOOO glad you're back!
I thought it was raining, but, upon further review, that was just a little sarcasm dripping on my head from above.

Sometimes a comment haunts forever, I suppose, even if directed at a stranger....

Welcome back, kiddo.
fletch's Avatar
glad you took a break, but happy to see you returned.
demsrsb's Avatar
welcome back. you are not allowed to leave again unless approved by the entire hobbying community.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Glad your back, and thanks for yesterday!
Guest101610-2's Avatar
You were gone? No I'm just kidding baby. I had heard nothing, just to let you know. I bet there were less people that knew about it than you think. There always is and boy that is annoying isn't it?

Welcome Welcome back babygirl!!
Mariah Moore's Avatar
Welcome back honey...
  • bigB
  • 09-08-2010, 01:05 PM
I thought the proper way to take a break was to announce retirement, then you get all the well-wishers and naysayers to pump your thread full of replies and the rumors are mainly kept in pm, then after your break (the time period varies from person to person) you also get to make the ever popular I’m back thread which I guess this is. So I guess you were just one thread away from proper eccie etiquette.
Just kidding, hope you had a good break
Thanks for yalls support and I love my fan's,and lilsmirf always babe!
Glad you're OK babe, welcome back!