Middle-aged Americans unhappy about sex

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The U.S. generation that promoted free love in the 1960s has grown old and cranky about sex.

Faced with performance problems, menopause blues and an increased mismatch of expectations between the sexes, middle-aged Americans are the unhappiest people of all when it comes to making love, a new Associated Press-LifeGoesStrong.com poll shows.

Only 7 percent of people between 45 and 65 describe themselves as extremely satisfied with their sex lives. And nearly a quarter of the middle-aged Americans say they are dissatisfied. Even among seniors, fewer are dissatisfied.

"Older people can learn new tricks," said Ruth Westheimer, the sex therapist better known as Dr. Ruth. Aging men and women need to work on being "sexual literate — to really know what they need, what their partner needs and how to pleasure each other," she said in an Associated Press interview.

The findings represent a stark turnaround for the group of Americans who spearheaded the sexual revolution, coming of age as birth control became readily available, premarital sex gained wider acceptance and abortion was legalized. The Many of the first victims of the AIDS epidemic were in this group.

Younger and older people report better feelings about their sex lives. Some 24 percent of middle-aged group say they are dissatisfied, compared with only 12 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds, 20 percent of those 30-44 and 17 percent of those over 65.

Perhaps the middle-aged group have given up on experimenting. A surprising number of them feel they have learned just about all there is to know about sex — nearly three in five women and half of men.

But if women are wiser, men are more disgruntled. Twenty-eight percent of men between 45 and 65 are dissatisfied, and more than two in five say their sex lives got worse in the last decade.

Part of the explanation seems to lie in different sexual expectations. Men are often more eager — at least mentally, if not physically — as more women become uninterested. Nearly half of the men say their partners do not want sex often enough, while only 17 percent of women feel similarly let down.

The story is different when it comes to action, as men are the underperformers. The poll finds two in five men between 45 and 65 having problems with sexual functioning. Only 19 percent of women in the same age group say the same. For both genders, less than half received treatment.

Still, a slim majority of boomers say they can have a strong relationship without sex.

The AP-LifeGoesStrong.com Poll was conducted Oct. 1-10 by Knowledge Networks of Menlo Park, Calif. It involved online interviews with 945 people between 45 and 65, as well as companion interviews with an additional 587 people aged 18-44 and over 65. It has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points for all adults, 3.9 percentage points for adults 45-65.

The survey was conducted using KnowledgePanel, which uses a probability-based design. Respondents to the survey were first selected randomly for KnowledgePanel using phone or mail survey methods and were later interviewed for this survey online. People selected for KnowledgePanel who didn't otherwise have access to the Internet were provided with the ability to access the Internet at no cost to them.
That's your clients ladies.
nice new avatar Shea
  • Aflac
  • 11-24-2010, 06:56 AM
Yes. On one hand it's kind of sad.

And on the other hand, according to self-reported surveys/reviews, 100% of the middle aged men who spent time with Shea left happy. Thanks Shea.

+1 to what monkmonk said.
mansfield's Avatar
Still, a slim majority of boomers say they can have a strong relationship without sex.
Which means they asked them the question with their wives standing next to them
Stevexox02's Avatar
Which means they asked them the question with their wives standing next to them Originally Posted by mansfield

Its good to know that the Ladies (or at least this one) are doing their research too.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Thanks Shea! Just when I thought my real world dating sucked, I now have this to look forward to......I need to find myself a 30yr old!
As a member of the generation in question, HELL YES sex is NOT as great as it should be.
Though I am at the bottom of that age range, my sex is pretty darn good.

My hand is always there for me and I've never caught it cheating behind my back...
A 30 year old Lana????? Rats!!! That leaves me out!
Diamondrunner's Avatar
Yes. On one hand it's kind of sad.

And on the other hand, according to self-reported surveys/reviews, 100% of the middle aged men who spent time with Shea left happy. Thanks Shea.

+1 to what monkmonk said. Originally Posted by aflac
+1 to aflac
Rockhard6911's Avatar
Thanks Shea! Just when I thought my real world dating sucked, I now have this to look forward to......I need to find myself a 30yr old! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Hey Lana I'm 30. So how about it?? Lol!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Though I am at the bottom of that age range, my sex is pretty darn good.

My hand is always there for me and I've never caught it cheating behind my back... Originally Posted by Jobe0111
Never caught cheating? Except by your other hand.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Obvious to me why older men chuck their wives and marry younger ones. It isn't so much because of beauty, it's their willingness. And they don't f*cking whine every time you even think about sex!!!! But as a wiser gentleman than me pointed out earlier in this thread, that's why we are your eager customers. Ain't life grand?