No fair

Men can go see and rub on nearly naked women, but where are the dancing naked men for us horny girls to rub on?

It would be so fun to have a coed place! I want the men to be straight or at least fake it well! Everyone could dance together...the guys and girls could do the poll together. The audience members would have fun. Bachelorette and bachelor parties at same place. Divorce floor. Damn that would be a blast
Are you asking one of us to come and dance nearly naked for your viewing pleasure?
Gonna have to be a strong pole with the guys on it.
TailHooked's Avatar
So you must not go to the clubs much royamcr. There are some pretty hefty girls hanging on that pole. One reason the clubs are dying.
I was being serious. It would be a fun, coed sexy place with a dance floor...nevermind
ck1942's Avatar
Perhaps you might try:

Always glad to offer suggestions to interesting ladies!
I know a few strip club owners that have tried male dancers for the female customers.

They’ve all failed for the same reason: the female customers don’t spend as much money as the male customers.