The Philosophy of this site!

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
OK, first I will admit I do not like to do much research when it comes to topic, just to lazy. Can someone tell me the key differences in this site then aspd. Mostly the philosophy, like at aspd the lack of letting the ladies be a part of the site more than just Providing. Participation in my opinion was very limited. Are the ladies still not able to read reviews? Whenever this topic was discussed it always went to “these are the owners wishes that the ladies do not get to read reviews” now that was a long time ago, and we live in a new and more open community. Are the owners of this site taking the same stand, or are they open to bringing in truly a new era in this community? Personally, I think that the ladies should have as much access to the site as the men do, with the exception to the men’s lounge, and likewise, for the ladies' area.

How are the ladies supposed to gauge how their service is being received if only by the lack of their phone ringing, hearsay, or by the overwhelming response to see them? Wouldn’t the reviews be a good way for the ladies to gauge how they are doing, and what they need to improve on? We all know that any lady that wanted to read a review on aspd, could if they really wanted to. Why not use this tool to make this place a better and more informed place.

I really hope that the owners here take a look at this and be bold to see that we are all in this together and equality is really the right thing to promote. After all if there were no ladies, there would be none of us.

gman44's Avatar
I think that the key difference on this site is the provider showcase. It makes research a little easier for us lazy folks

If there's an actual ladies locker room where they are all naked, I would always have a hole bored to see their big juicy tits and pussies LOL
Chevalier's Avatar
Pending clarification from owners/staff, it's my understanding that the ladies do not have access to the "Rest of the Story" portion of the review (and only guys with Premium Access can read that portion). Pretty much the same as ASPD in that respect. Perhaps the same on HD, but I'm not sure.

My understanding is that on TER and possibly also on, ladies who are members can view the entirety of THEIR reviews, and ladies OR clients who pay for/earn access can read the entirety of ALL reviews.

My understanding is that on ML, no one can see ANY portion of a review -- or even see its existence -- without buying a membership. If you buy a membership, you can read all of the review, whether you're a lady or client. That includes both reviews of the ladies written by clients and reviews of the clients written by ladies. But last I looked they didn't have a large volume of reviews.

One argument against ladies being able to read reviews is that the reviewers will be at least somewhat less likely to be honest in the reviews, rather than sugar-coating (to avoid hurting feelings) and not giving readers info they would want. A counter-argument would be that the possibility of ladies bypassing security to read the reviews (the likelihood is vastly overstated IMO) and the inherent subjectivity and "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" -- create the same effect to some degree even in systems like that of ASPD, ECCIE, and HD.

Mostly it's speculation and "common sense" (which isn't always); I doubt if anyone has done a study of the effect. It would be hard to do so, as even whether a review was "honest" or "sugar-coated" is a subjective evaluation. So, when in doubt, try a little bit of everywhere and see what YOU find useful.

I've posted reviews on all of the seven boards referenced above. I don't think I write the reviews differently, but; (1) I'm not in the best position to evaluate that; and (2) some might think that merely means I sugar-coat even if the lady can't (easily) read the review. *shrug* I don't worry about it much one way or another.
So a lady that logged in under a guys name where she had bought access could NOT read the "Rest of Story"
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I agree w/ the thought that there may continue to be sugar coating if ladies are allowed to read BCD comments, but have another school of thought that if all are given access, it may keep things honest. Some fellas embellish and say that activities occurred that didn't or attribute greater looks and talents than experienced. It's all subjective, as we know, but it's entertainment as well. I would love to be able to give some attaboys to guys with hot reviews, too. It's part of the camaraderie that keeps a community fun. Hard to decide...
Chevalier's Avatar
So a lady that logged in under a guys name where she had bought access could NOT read the "Rest of Story" Originally Posted by pjorourke

A lot of guys assume virtually every lady has access to those protected areas, either by setting up a "male" membership and buying access, or having it leaked to them by a client who has access.

Of course, if they got caught it might result in negative consequences -- losing the right to post ads, for example, or a reputation for trying to skirt the rules -- so I imagine a fair number of them don't. If they're confident in their service and get good reviews anyway, is it worth the risk? Maybe, maybe not.
Chevalier is right about TER. A lady can see her own reviews in their entirity if she tells the site to link her username to her escort name.
yardape's Avatar
The key differences so far are subtle, Iron Butterfly (D-Man). For instance, there have been few ISO's and quacks here for Backpage & Craigslist advertisers. So many great women here, especially if you can get to DFW..
RobRoy's Avatar
As I recall even on ASPD a provider could purchase the ability to read her review comments. They just didn't advertise it to the male population.

If one thinks that a provider doesn't eventually learn what is written in their reviews by one means or another then they are naive. It is possible to write a review of a more negative nature with out getting flamed by the provider. Simply review your experience without slamming the other person. If it was a bad experience wait a while and cool off before writing. On other sites I have written around 70 reviews (on a board where providers can read the review content). Probably 20% of them were more negative in nature. Not once id I get flack from the provider and it has never hindered me in my hobbying. Just use a little tact.

i am a PROvider & have no problem with the guys reviewing us "behind closed doors" it is probably more comfortable & honest. i like the idea really! there are things men say we DON'T need to find out about!! in general the reviews are not what i'm looking at here though.
  • npita
  • 01-12-2010, 10:18 AM
I'm going to suggest a different angle. If what's in a review never gets back to the provider, how will she know what she's doing right or wrong?
johnnybax's Avatar
As I recall even on ASPD a provider could purchase the ability to read her review comments. They just didn't advertise it to the male population.

If one thinks that a provider doesn't eventually learn what is written in their reviews by one means or another then they are naive. It is possible to write a review of a more negative nature with out getting flamed by the provider. Simply review your experience without slamming the other person. If it was a bad experience wait a while and cool off before writing. On other sites I have written around 70 reviews (on a board where providers can read the review content). Probably 20% of them were more negative in nature. Not once id I get flack from the provider and it has never hindered me in my hobbying. Just use a little tact.

RR Originally Posted by RobRoy
Excellent advice!