Media Now Openly Admitting The Government Controls The News

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ever wonder why so many of the mainstream news organizations report "news" in much the same way? I think it's because they have taken the administration's talking points, and continually report them as fact. This article does a good job of exposing the media for who they really are:

But for the well-being of this nation and the protection of its citizen’s that media needs to be held just as accountable because if they didn’t take the government at its word despite a continual track record of lies and deception America would be a much safer place today and the citizens of this nation and humanity as a whole would have a much brighter, safer and secure future.

Instead the media’s incestuous relationship with the government has lead to illegal overseas wars and ongoing bombings in several nations that have claimed the lives of an untold number of numerous people all being perpetuated by an ever-expanding police state that looks more and more like an Orwellian totalitarian nightmare with each day that passes.

Of course the damage the media has allowed to occur will continue to reverberate destructive echoes of carnage upon the masses for generations to come.

The IRS scandal illustrates this point even further. The media has ignored for years complaints from activist groups saying they were unfairly being shaken down by the IRS. Those complaints were ignored even while members of congress of provided evidence to back up the allegations. But what we saw was a corporate media controlled by the American Gestapo that dared not step off script and report anything beside the talking points the government gave them. The same goes with the destruction of the constitution through an escalating campaign of post 9/11 hogwash from the Patriot Act, the NDAA, and drones to draconian measure containing to be pushed by the propaganda machine to implement measures such as CISPA, real-time total surveillance, and the inevitable disarming of the public.

The reason for this is clear but I fear if those in the media do not find the courage to be brave now it wil soon be too late.

From Benghazi, the AP wiretaps and the IRS scandal, the media have been complicit in every coverup. This is an excellent article, with much information you need to know. Click the following link for more:
wellendowed1911's Avatar
So COG does the Govt control FAUX news also?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't think he can get cable underground, WE.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fox News is just as controlled as the rest of the mainstream press. It's a waste of time.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A hundred years ago a man (or woman) could raise some capital, buy some equipment, and start a newspaper. As the owner of that paper the editorial policy reflected whatever the owner wanted (see Citizen Kaine). If the owner wanted a fair, even portrayal of the politics of the town then that was it. If the owner wanted to vote a straight democratic tickets then that was the policy. When radio came around, followed by TV later, the government decided that the air waves were owned by the public and that means by government. The courts agreed and there you had it, the beginning. Woodrow Wilson collapsed over 14,000 different telegraph and telephone companies into one big organization that came to be called Ma Bell. For the people? Hardly, Wilson wanted access to the communications of Americans and so he centralized the operation for that purpose. By 1918, government had a finger in telegraphs, telephones, and radio. A license was required or permission by a government agency. When one needs a license to do anything it is no longer a right but a privilege because one can always be turned down for whatever reason the licensing authority has.
In the 1920, 30s and ending in the 40s a number of powerful radio stations thrived in Mexico and Canada because they did not need a U.S. license to broadcast. They had powerful signals that could reach 2/3s of the country on good nights. TV came along and radio faded across the border, but government regulation thrived. A radio station could not be licensed unless they dedicated a certain portion of their programming to the "public benefit". That time was usually about 6 AM on Sunday mornings. For those of you old enough think farm reports, the sunrise sermon, some benign weekly news show without controversy. Government made that possible and some of it ended when Reagan came along. The radio airwaves opened up and Rush Limbaugh was made possible. The left tried to pass the "equal time" policy but failed. A nice name but what was behind it? Radio stations like KMBZ in Kansas City would put Rush Limbaugh on the air and his show was, and is, very popular. He was usually followed up by a local person with a conservative bent because you don't want to lose your audience. This continued through drive time and ended in the evening.
The left didn't want this...freedom to make money by providing a product that people wanted. They wanted to force stations into providing equal time for the opposing point of view even if that point of view had little in way of profit or audience for the station. The station's license would be on the line if they did not comply. This followed into TV and as newspapers consolidated or became national the number of competing voices were silenced. Why this happened is uncertain but Hollywood began to speak with one voice, the national newspapers spoke with one voice (except for the WSJ), and TV began to speak with one voice and they were all left wing voices. Only radio resisted.
If you wanted to be a success then you learned to speak the right words or not express an opinion at all. Along came the Internet and things changed again. Freedom was back and anyone could talk. Dating back to the Clinton years government (the left) has tried to get a handle on the Internet with taxes (so far a failure), licenses, and more equal time rules. Today the left playes the Alinsky game. Identify your opponent (Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc), fix your opponent (the left defines what they are), and then ridicule your opponent until they no longer matter (proof above by WE). Do not debate the merit of their arguments but instead create jokes about the fictions you claim they stand for. It is the way of the Soviet.
News use to be news now opinion is called news.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-20-2013, 10:53 AM
News use to be news now opinion is called news. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
JD's prior post is a prime example...he posts like his opinions are facts.

(see Citizen Kaine). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Uh, professor -- that would be Citizen Kane.

(Just noting that for the record, since educators like to be sticklers for accuracy.)
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Uh, professor -- that would be Citizen Kane.

(Just noting that for the record, since educators like to be sticklers for accuracy.) Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
He probably encourages his "students" to make it up as they go along - like he does.
JD's prior post is a prime example...he posts like his opinions are facts.

Originally Posted by WTF
That sounds like you, WTF.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-20-2013, 11:16 AM
That sounds like you, WTF. Originally Posted by slim deez
That is because you do not understand the difference between opinions and facts slim dipshit. See 'slim' is a fact, 'dipshit' is my opinion.
See how that works?
JCM800's Avatar
(see Citizen Kaine) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Uh, professor -- that would be Citizen Kane.

(Just noting that for the record, since educators like to be sticklers for accuracy.) Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

lol ....what's the learning curve at that school JD?
Although I agree the MSM has been state sponsored or overly bias since a little after Ted started it all, I do not think it makes that much of a difference. 12% of the public believe Obamacare was overturned for god sake! The libs got it right unfortunately and beat Fox to it, give them a weekly/monthly check, Obamacare, SNAP cards, free cell phones, internet access and whatever they can think of and they'll show up at the polls and vote for the next Dem no matter what the news reports.
redriverronin's Avatar
Iam through voting except locally where you vote actually matters national voting is like jacking off and not getting off pointless. MSM is a joke anyone who watches the news and thinks they are well informed about current events is beyond idiotic.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You, sir, are a pussy.

.be part of America or shut the fuck up!