James Rosen

Just saw where James Rosen the Washington Correspondent for Fox was called a criminal by the DOJ when they asked for a secret warrant to get his emails.
I am wondering how many reporters have been targets of the current admin.? Bottom line here boys and girls, if you are an American this latest ass kicking to our freedom should piss you off.
Something is wrong with you if it doesnt concern you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sounds like the DOJ is starting to lose it.
Even hardcore Obama defender Olbermann says the DOJ went too far:
My experience dealing with @jamesrosenfnc was unpleasant and contentious. And I fully support him against this unwarranted act by DOJ

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) May 20, 2013

And liberal Howard Finemann:
#Fox Rosen probe as bad/worse than #AP: in unprecedented move, govt says he "conspired" with leaker to get info; that's what reporters do!

And from the liberal reporter Glen Greenwald at The Guardian:
Accusing James Rosen of committing crimes - for basic reporting - may be the most dangerous thing the Obama DOJ has done yet
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Even hardcore Obama defender Olbermann says the DOJ went too far:
My experience dealing with @jamesrosenfnc was unpleasant and contentious. And I fully support him against this unwarranted act by DOJ

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) May 20, 2013

And liberal Howard Finemann:
#Fox Rosen probe as bad/worse than #AP: in unprecedented move, govt says he "conspired" with leaker to get info; that's what reporters do!

And from the liberal reporter Glen Greenwald at The Guardian:
Accusing James Rosen of committing crimes - for basic reporting - may be the most dangerous thing the Obama DOJ has done yet
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You nailed the fuckers with this one Whirlaway. Excellent sources and impeccable citations.
This whole deal ought to scare the shit outa every reporter in the country, and the only way to fix it is if the libs quit ass kissin and start getting pissed. Sheesh when are the sheep gonna wake up?
Absolutely..............but it won't.................

Just as the IRS scandal should scare the bejeebers out of every middle class American..............but it won't.
The king and his general declared themselves the right to assasinate American citizens at their will, without judicial process. Spying on citizens, shutting down the 1st amendment, and declaring anyone a criminal who investigates and speaks against these gangstas should not come as a big surprise to anyone. It's the price you pay for socialism.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Where are the Obama defenders?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wait! There's a liberal right there...down by the ole livery stable.

Oh, damn, he's gone now.