Several new whistleblowers are retaining legal counsel and will soon come forward with key testimony disputing the White House spin and lies.....deeper problems for Hillary.
- One will confirm that special op assets were in place and available for immediate response (not six hours); but were told to stand down by the White House . When Gen. Ham disobeyed, the White House “called his deputy and had the deputy threaten to relieve Ham of his command.”

- the leaking of General David Petraeus’ affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell was timed to silence the former CIA chief on these matters.

- The dirty details of what Amb. Stevens was doing in Libya; trying to buy back sophisticated weaponry that the State Department (not CIA) had provided to Al Quida. The CIA opposed the weapon giveaway; but Hillary's DOS proceeded.
Uncle Han's Avatar
Several new whistleblowers are retaining legal counsel and will soon come forward with key testimony disputing the White House spin and lies.....deeper problems for Hillary.
- One will confirm that special op assets were in place and available for immediate response (not six hours); but were told to stand down by the White House . When Gen. Ham disobeyed, the White House “called his deputy and had the deputy threaten to relieve Ham of his command.”

- the leaking of General David Petraeus’ affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell was timed to silence the former CIA chief on these matters.

- The dirty details of what Amb. Stevens was doing in Libya; trying to buy back sophisticated weaponry that the State Department (not CIA) had provided to Al Quida. The CIA opposed the weapon giveaway; but Hillary's DOS proceeded. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

America won't defend itself or friends. America in decline
It is about time that Issa put Hillary and other key scandal players under oath.
America won't defend itself or friends. America in decline Originally Posted by Uncle Han
America in decline you say. You're absolutely right. The reason why things like Fast&Furious, Benghazi, ect. take place is because the people that are basically running this country are losers. They all have inflated egos, they are bold faced liars and they have no morals. America can't be strong with people like that in government, can't happen totally impossible.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was once asked by my Captain why I rode my shop so hard and I explained that the the minimum standard would be the standard that I made and after a time it would become a normal standard. A new minimum would be found and standards over time would be lower if I relaxed my quality controls. I think the Captain liked that answer.

If we don't require higher standards then we get the minimum as the new standard (and we would all be democrats). We should, we must require higher standards of our leadership. It is the usual reframe that are these guys the best that we can do? Only if we accept them. I remember some of the first Tea party rallies. A few politicians showed up (GOP and democrat among others) and tried to get in on the action. They got booed off the stage. That was never reported as it happened. It was always that democrats got roughed up but it was both parties that got booed. We were demanding something more than the typical politician and some changes have been made. We now have Tea party politicians leading in the press reports in Congress and the Senate. So, this is for the democrats as well, why don't we run new people for these jobs? Get rid of Pelosi, Reid, Lee, and Brown while the GOP gets rid of Boehner and McConnell. The GOP has already gotten rid of more sitting politicians than the democrats have ever thought of.
The problem (roadblock) are the low information voters....they out number the more informed why the Democrats want to flood America by turning illegals into voting Democrats.................