Post some of your favorite comedy clips

I watched Arie Spears...

The whole show is on you tube.

Fix a sammy and smoke yourself a drink and enjoy. This one is an hour long..

If you want to embed a youtube link here and have never done it here before, you do it like this:

a) Take the share link: i.e.

b) Take the last part - mXoyfX7IoaA

c) Use youtube tags

[youtube ]mXoyfX7IoaA [/ youtube] < but do not have spaces like I did indies the brackets like I did for the example.

Another full show:

If you want to embed a youtube link here and have never done it here before, you do it like this:

a) Take the share link: i.e.

b) Take the last part - mXoyfX7IoaA

c) Use youtube tags

[youtube ]mXoyfX7IoaA [/ youtube] < but do not have spaces like I did indies the brackets like I did for the example.

Another full show:

Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire