Where better to look for dating?

Where better to look for dating. Already a year I can't start a relationship, I am very shy and afraid to approach the girl. Advise how to become more confident?
Join a meet up group. There are many Meetup which specialize in dating.
NaughtyMaddy's Avatar
Have you considered a Domme??
GingerKatt's Avatar
Where better to look for dating. Already a year I can't start a relationship, I am very shy and afraid to approach the girl. Advise how to become more confident? Originally Posted by AcidMilk8
Well one very good way to develop your confidence is to hire a companion as often as you can. Find ladies who are GFE and practice your dating skills on them. Good conversation is important; be sure to ask about the ladies and their interests. Compliment her and make her feel attractive.

It's even better if you can find a lady who offers dinner dates; many do. That way you can practice you conversational skills and get your dating game up to par. If you explain to the lady that you're shy and you're trying to be more confident in the dating game, she'll probably give you a lot of helpful advice. Just remember to pay her well for her time and tip her well too if she gives you good advice and helps you feel better and more confident. After all, that's what a good provider does. We make you feel glad that you chose us, and we make you feel like an interesting, sexy man that we are very happy to spend time with. Be sure to ask your companions to cut to the chase and let you know what you can do on a real date to ensure that it goes well. A really good provider is also a good therapist and counselor, and has lots of info on male-female interactions and relationships.

Then when you DO feel like you're ready, you might want to join a dating site like POF, E Harmony or Match.com. That way you don't have to worry about approaching the woman in person, it's easier to send her a message and get to know each other online first. And remember; there's nothing wrong with being a little shy. I think it's a lot better than being over confident and acting like you're God's gift to women. Just be nice, respectful and chivalrous. And do it in a strong, "manly" way. That doesn't mean being a jerk, just that most women like masculine men.

Good luck!
Join a meet up group. There are many Meetup which specialize in dating. Originally Posted by Fizley
I think to get rid of uncertainty! You'd better get some experience with an escort girl! I think this will definitely help you!
JRLawrence's Avatar
Where better to look for dating. Already a year I can't start a relationship, I am very shy and afraid to approach the girl. Advise how to become more confident? Originally Posted by AcidMilk8
Stop and think! Now ignore the ladies who say get an escort. It is very unlikely that an escort will develop a relationship with you. They are paid to leave when you are finished fucking them.

Do not expect to get sex on the first date with a regular girl. Wait for the relationship to develop, and while you are dating ladies that you want a relationship with, you can get your rocks off in the hobby. Just don't let the hobby fuck with your head or emotions: you are using it to get rid of your load.

Sound harsh? Yes, but it is real. If you want a partner, and maybe the mother of your children: don't look for one in the hobby.

Shy about talking to women? Look for the singles groups in your city - and there are a lot of them. Searching on line: be careful, there are a lot of fakes out there. Learn to get to know people, relax, have fun and make friends. The sex will come later.

Been there, done that. Married three times and all have died. Finding a true relationship is hard. Finding sex is easy. There are literally hundreds of women who will give you sex for free: for the opportunity of finding someone to take care of them. So, be careful. You pay for sex to satisfy your physical needs, and to keep it separate from a real relationship.

Good luck!
ICU 812's Avatar
Where better to look for dating. Already a year I can't start a relationship, I am very shy and afraid to approach the girl. Advise how to become more confident? Originally Posted by AcidMilk8

First of all. . +1^ Some good advice there.

What about this "on-line dating' I have heard about? Is it the money? IF physical intimacy an issue . . .these forums should help you meet someone who will help you over that. If you are uncomfortable or embarrassed with nudity there are any number of strip clubs to help out with that.

Enough with the ECCIE world approaches . . .in the Real-World of dating remember that in any interaction, the worst thing any woman can do is say "NO". Big deal . . .Well that is her loiss, now move on to someone else.

I wish you well in this.

Gabrielle's Avatar
Stop and think! Now ignore the ladies who say get an escort. It is very unlikely that an escort will develop a relationship with you. They are paid to leave when you are finished fucking them. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Not always. Some companions have experience beyond many review board hobbyist ideas. Not everyone is looking for an hour and a pop or two. Some folks have specific goals to reach and create a plan with their companion to reach said goals.

Not every hobby session is the same.
Who better to teach someone how to overcome shyness with dating athan a sex worker? I mean...we are the experts, ya know?
Gabrielle, I so agree that sex workers are the best. When guy meets someone he is super interested in chances are he will clam up, be nervous, and will do something that she will consider wierd...which will make her nervous.

If your hiring a sex worker chances are you have already fucked her and it removes that aspect.

I always was the shy one, who would always defer, not make decisions, ask her what she wanted to do....which is such a turn off. I still struggle walking up to a stranger and say Hi I'm I'M Fizley and you look nice today. Here is my phone number if you would you like to meet for Drinks at xx restaurant . I find I do quite well at events specifically for singles such as speed dating, or meet up groups specifically for dating.

Last night I hosted in my home a "Bachelor" food and wine night. I invited 5 women (no men cause I make the rules) made an appetizer, tacos, stirfry, and provided red wine.

The goal is for the ladies to enjoy the show while I finish meal prep, serve, load the dishwasher, and clean up. After I get to watch the end of the show, and mingle with them.

At first only two of five showed up. Two seasons of the bachelor later I have full attendance and it's not uncommon for me to get an email asking if an invited guest to bring a friend.

I've had ladies stay behind and spend the night with me, another who was not invited, showed up early and offered to buy her way in with a bj.

Just join single groups and get to know people, become creative, and soon enough you will have plenty of ladies who will be interested in hanging with you.

I found the fact that I have chores to do in the meal prep and clean up it takes a lot of pressure off me...as I have guests waiting for dinner.

If it wasn't for one of my favorite working girls who gave me tips and that idea of the Bachelor dinner, I would be very lonely staring at my phone wondering why I'm lonely. Today I rarely hobby, and only do so when I travel.
Hi, I always date with girls on this site. On this website, all photos of girls are real. And you can always talk to them! I think this will help you!