Back in the Good Old Days

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When I first got into this business a lawyer gave me a copy of the law in Texas and I memorized it.

Sexual contact is defined as any touching of the breasts, genitals, or anus with the hand, mouth, breasts, genitals or anus with the intention of sexual arousal or sexual gratification. Prostitution is defined as sexual contact in exchange for money. Prostitution, of course, is illegal. So essentially you can sell foot jobs in Texas and there is nothing illegal about it. I imagine this is why there are so many dominatrixes eager to beat people's willies with cats of nine tails too. Snot illegal to do all manner of weird perverted things with the intention of sexual arousal and/or sexual gratification as long as you don't touch them with the forbidden appendages. Selling kisses remains legal, too, presumably because the scribes who wrote these bizarre laws didn't want to damage business at the kissing booths at the state fair.

It was made perfectly clear to me, by a person in the law enforcement business, that three things must take place for an arrest to be legal. 1) You have to contract for an illegal act, 2) You have to quote a price for it, and 3) The money has to change hands. If those three things are not clear, then a good lawyer can get the case dismissed. But who wants to pay all that money when it would be a whole lot cheaper to pay the fine? And who wants to get arrested when there is a perfectly legal way for two consenting adults to pursue happiness in the privacy of a hotel room or home?

Back in the good old days, before these forums came into existence, the only ladies who were willing to blatantly break the law were the ones who had pimps that would come and get them out of jail. If you wanted to spend time with an elite independent service provider, you had to respect the law and give her a chance to get to know you in person before hitting up on her for sex. And it was easy to tell a cop from a legitimate customer because only the cops and stupid people you wouldn't want to be with anyway had the audacity to try and put women in a trick over the phone site unseen. No gentleman would do such a thing. It was a clear cut rule. If you refuse see anyone who behaves like a crude whore monger, you won't get arrested, and you are less likely to get raped and ripped off, too. That is worth repeating. This was the golden rule: Only make appointments with men who behave in a gentlemanly manner on the phone and you won't get arrested. And you are less likely to get raped and robbed too. Once you have met someone in person, spend a few minutes talking and getting to know him. If you became friends with someone, you can do whatever you want with him. And he can pay you for your time if he chooses too.

What I love about massage is that you can invite someone to take his clothes off and chat after he is naked. What are the chances that a police officer is going to take all of his clothes off if he is there to arrest you? Pretty slim. If someone wants to get a massage with his clothes on, he is either not looking for sex, or he is a cop. So don't break the law.

But along came the internet and these boards became popular and men's bragging rights began to trump all of the old safety rules. Men started gossiping all over town to each other about how far they'd gotten with the women and putting providers at risk. Forcing SWs to participate in such a manner or go out of business is coercive to say the least. My feminist friends say it is slavery. But I would feel just as enslaved if I was married to a man who was going to divorce me and leave me destitute if I didn't have sex at his beck and call. I had a friend who got run out of the state she was living in because some idiot posted a message saying that she gave him a great prostate massage. The sheriff of her county had a butt phobia and hounded her until she moved away.

On one hand men say they want women to be fun and spontaneous and relax and enjoy themselves. On the other hand men are making sure that women are walking breathing living targets by providing testimony that can be used by LE to set their sites and make a bust. Sure, a good lawyer can get a case that is based on hearsay dismissed. But that is not what they do. They hound the easy targets for appointments. Besides, good lawyers are expensive and there is no legal fund available for the victims of unconstitutional harassment. And if a woman uses the boards to report a bad actor, nobody who reads it will go see her for months for fear of trouble. Women can't call the cops if they get assaulted, robbed or raped. If they quit the business they will end up sleeping under the bridge and getting raped by a gang of homeless thugs.

Land of the free. Home of the brave.