Encounter: Katie Ann rides

User ID: -
Date: 9/7/16
Name: Katie Ann
Phone: 585-250-1313
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Rochester
State: New York
Address: West of Rochester
Activities: Bbbj Cowgirl
Hair Length and Color: Dark brown mid length
Age: 28
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Katie Ann is attractive with a very nice smile and pretty dark eyes. She has a hot bod with mid size man mades.
Recommendation: Yes
lilylivered's Avatar
Katie is one of the best in the area
Nice review!!
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12InchClock's Avatar
Originally Posted by ben dover
Well his username is "ItalianStud"...
jokacz's Avatar
Well his username is "ItalianStud"... Originally Posted by 12InchClock

Show me an Italian that doesn't think they're a stud
Rainbird4668's Avatar
https://images.app.goo.gl/GKesENHz3QaCr3KG8 Originally Posted by Crazy Bob
Put him in a room with middle school boys... bet he thinks himself a stud.
Trust me. I hate my nickname. I want to change it. But I can’t.
jokacz's Avatar
Trust me. I hate my nickname. I want to change it. But I can’t. Originally Posted by Italianstud

If Pauline can change his handle, so can you.
Wait are you telling me paulie isn’t really a rockstar. I thought are names had to be truthful to who we are. Shit I would have used Adonis if I could lie. How do I go about changing my name
Trust me. I hate my nickname. I want to change it. But I can’t. Originally Posted by Italianstud
I’m not crazy about mine, either.