I am new. I have no provider references....yet! Got one booked though! WHEW! Going to tell her thank you, no doubt!
I've learned that providers ask for employment reference which is fine. I understand the whole concept of the providers needing/wanting SOME sort of reference as to whether the person they are considering dealing with is actually who they say they are. Got that. BUT........Remember, I'm new....I've come across a provider who asked me for my driver license info. Now, I'm a good person, and/but sometimes overly trusting. That said, I gave her my DL info. Question: What is the purpose of asking for the DL info? Anyone can answer, but prefer provider or long time hobbiests. Now, she has apparently been doing this awhile. She AND her reviews appear real and respectful. For her privacy/safety, I will NOT devuldge her screenname, but she is NOT young, and I'm QUITE sure she isn't going to do anything wrong with the info, it's just that she kinda surprised me wanting that info. Is this normal from providers? Semi-normal? Or only under extenuating circumstances? Should I be concerned?