Goodbye to all my ECCIE friends.

A couple years ago when I split with my wife I decided to dabble in this hobby locally to help distract me from the disaster that had unfolded in my marriage. I was a long time lurker on ASPD and frequent contributor near the end. I was introduced to ECCIE by a former ATF Regan Love but like everyone else didnt contribute until this was our only outlet.

I have met some friends and met even more wonderful girls on here that I enjoyed spending time with.

Despite the fun I had, I have suffered a couple pitfalls lately that I attribute to this hobby. Its came to my attention last week that a former provider on here and ex girlfriend was printing out my posts and using my posts on here to collaborate with my ex wife to somehow use against me in a ongoing custody battle for my daughter.

This is compounded by the last several bad meetings I have had with providers including a girl that decided to invite her pimp into the room after she was unable to provide a service that she offered to partially refund but later recanted.

And last night after having a wonderful time with a provider she decided to accuse me of some things that were obviously misunderstood.

Then there is the whole flaming rants my ex girlfriend did on here after we broke up.

I enjoyed the community that we have here and maybe I will be back after a lengthy holiday in South East Asia.

Goodbye Friends
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 08-19-2010, 12:31 PM
Have a wonderful holiday and post some pics of the gals in SE Asia.
Good luck man. Life sucks for a while then it gets better again.
you are my ATF.

This hobby sure has a lot of drama that goes along with it. Discretion is so important!
I'm sorry for what you're going through and you have my number if you need anything at all, so keep in touch!

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
... Its came to my attention last week that a former provider on here and ex girlfriend was printing out my posts and using my posts on here to collaborate with my ex wife to somehow use against me in a ongoing custody battle for my daughter. Originally Posted by Dr. Olney
Wow, that's some tough stuff to have to deal with. It might be a good idea to post the handle of the former provider/ex GF in case she decides to find her way back here. That is somebody I'd sure want to stay clear of.

Good luck.
I am very sorry that i didnt get the chance to meet you. Maybe if you come back I hope too. Sorry for all the crap that has been going on. I hope everything works out for the best with your daughter. Take care, Tara
boredjohncandy's Avatar
Damn sorry to hear about all that Dr., All my hopes to a speedy conclusion in your favor.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
sounds like a lot of drama =/
Sorry and good luck to you
  • MRMR
  • 08-19-2010, 04:15 PM
Enjoy your time away.
I hope all of the drama and troubles fade away as well.
Good Luck know you're my homey. You and I will always be tight. As always, I'm here for ya. I'll text ya later on tonight so we can hang this weekend.
Despite the fun I had, I have suffered a couple pitfalls lately that I attribute to this hobby. Its came to my attention last week that a former provider on here and ex girlfriend was printing out my posts and using my posts on here to collaborate with my ex wife to somehow use against me in a ongoing custody battle for my daughter.

This is compounded by the last several bad meetings I have had with providers including a girl that decided to invite her pimp into the room after she was unable to provide a service that she offered to partially refund but later recanted.

And last night after having a wonderful time with a provider she decided to accuse me of some things that were obviously misunderstood.
Originally Posted by Dr. Olney
Why can't we out these idiots that do this and then kick them off the site? It cannot be that hard. The reason why you do this hobby is so you do not have to put up the drama you have to put up with your wife or SO.