When two eccie ads are the same/different

Look at todays ads for knockoutdiva and kylee price



same phone number, same ad style...

Does this scare you off? Does it feel to you like more than gals sharing an incall?


P.s.- not calling these gals out by any means... Just trying to figure out if my spidey sense is working....
they do share an in-call . Many ,many of the ladies do.
So by just reading their ads you want to hint or insinuate something else is going on.
The women have a tough enough time in this business without someone wanting to bring up stuff like this.
I know many providers share an incall. I just get cautious when phone #, incall, ad written the same. If this were on BP, people make assumptions. Do you make different (or no) assumptions because its on eccie?
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 08-20-2010, 09:04 AM
does anyone know what spell check is?
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 08-20-2010, 09:45 AM
Does sharing an incall require both women to share the same phone number?
pmdelites's Avatar
economy of scale. not saying that any of this is true, but theorizing...

same photographer at same location at same time = discounted photo shoot fee.
same phone number = around 1/2 off mobile phone bill.
same apt = around 1/2 off incall overhead expenses.

sounds like they have some sort of efficiency objectives/plans as part of the business plan. i can see/hear the loan office saying, "well, knockoutdiva and kylee, you two sure have a well thought out business model and plan here. what is your consulting fee, btw, in case i can cut out of work early today?"

i would have to read their reviews and post to see if there were any other connections or affinities or yellow/red flags.

but, they're not my cup of coffee, so i wont.
netman's Avatar
does anyone know what spell check is? Originally Posted by fawn
Wat are is an spel chek?

You crack me up mr. netman
Maybe these two girls are with the CIA on a secret mission to find out how obsessed guys are about needing to know everything about a woman he does not want to have sex with because he sees something that he feels could mean that they are not perfect.

Fawn, Does this appear to be a run on sentence?
flowerflower1's Avatar
i just wish someone would do a secret mission in college station....
DFK Hunter's Avatar
More than likely the girls have "secret" management. Just playing the odds folks.
This could be one girl "mentoring" another and charging a fee. Or they are just sharing some resources like Incalls or the same photographer.
I understand the OP's concern because there are many new Welcome Wagon posts where the ads are nearly identical, and it's clear evidence of management. Some guys don't mind managed girls (exclude me from that group), but the girls claim to be independent and that's when someone needs to call them out on their BS. Just don't do it in the welcome wagon.
Solved mystery, maybe?
They could be the same person. Look at the review linked to KO DIva's showcase. The title says KL becomes KOD. Maybe her manager did this, IDK. I would question her weight, pics, stats, and measurements don't seem to match 130#. I would think a pimp worh his cane would write a better add, but I have luckily never known one.