See you later!!

Guest071315's Avatar
I am taking a break. If you have read my other posts, you knew this was coming. I am entirely too busy to do this especially at the pace guys expect from ladies who do this full time.

I apologize to those I have had to cancel last minute on. It is either family or school related and stinks because I need the income and like to meet new people. I understand it takes time to meet me at my location and I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience.

At the same time, big poop to those who expressed interest, scheduled tentative appointments, and never responded to me. I appreciate you guys booking up my scarce time to no avail. Guess it is going around both ways but at least I let you know.

I am especially tired of those who think they know me or what my sessions are like because of what guys talk about or what my older than a year reviews say... If you haven't seen me in the last 2 months, you have no clue so shush!

I have made some wonderful friends, ladies and clients, and I couldn't be more grateful for them. They have lended their shoulders for venting and their smiles and laughter for good times. I have much respect for those who have made this their career and are successful achieving college, homes, kids, or whatever they desire. Ladies- you are all awesome and beautiful and I have learned so much from you. Keep striving for those goals!

My regulars-I am so glad you have stuck around with me through school even though my schedule is a pain in the bum. Some of you have ended up my friends in real life and that was a nice surprise. Lucky lady am I!

If you need to reach me, email me. I will still have my number since I just paid the bill so a text is fine too. Times like this I wish I had an assistant when I started so I never would have ruined my good name with flakiness or have the reputation of never answering phones. Unfortunately, once ruined, it never goes away. Take heed!


"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"
Ralph's words to live by
I had a feeling you couldn't hang.
Good luck to you, Ryan's Fun... hope you find happiness and satisfaction in your life. And thanks for giving this Hobby a go. Take care.
Sorry you're leaving, and that you got a big helping of the reality sandwich that's P4P. There's a lot more to the Vagina Scholarship Fund than meets the eye. Good luck. Stay in school. Get out. Be somebody!
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 11-28-2012, 05:37 PM
Good Luck and never look back with regrets life is too short!!!
Good luck with your future. If you need me, you know where to find me.
Never had chance to meet you, but seems like you have your priorities right, unless few months or week later, we see your I am back post Sorry couldn't resist. But good luck if you are onto good and better things for sure.
Ryan, I had seen you quite a few times over the years, but unfortunately, our last meeting was cancelled (very short notice) by you..."family reasons". I accept your apology. I never rescheduled and I do not regret that. I believe you should have learned a valuable lesson that you can take with you outside of this.

Your escalation of rates over that time was not equal to an increase in service, less flakiness or value added. Sure other providers are going to tell you that you are great and don't lower your fees. But, what they think doesn't matter and ask yourself is their advice sincere. Truthfully, they are competing for the same appointments that you were. Another lesson learned.

Finish your education and use it. Best of luck.
Guest071315's Avatar
I appreciate your feedback Tiger but I disagree with your opinion. I am glad you did not reschedule since you feel you need to "teach me a lesson" and hopefully other providers will see how you treat people. You felt the need to publicly criticize a lady who is overwhelmed with life when a private message would suffice.

As for an increase in rates with no added value... I have had clients for years who always come back so I must be doing something right. I was slow because of my nonexistent schedule and if you keep telling people you are busy, they will stop asking. As for flakiness, I should have taken your money with no energy for an appointment but instead I thought about wasting your money and cancelled. Lesson learned here. I hope you find someone to pay to fulfill your needs.

As for everyone else, thank you for your kind remarks. I'm glad I signed in to positivity! Have a great holiday season!
Good luck to you, I hope you have a very successful and happy life...if you learned anything at all while you have been with us is that you have to be able to see through those who make themselves feel better by attempting to make you feel bad about yourself. These threads are not the place for anything other than good bye and good luck!
Guest071315's Avatar
I just couldn't resist standing up for myself. I know it wasn't classy to be rude but I do have feelings. Everyone makes mistakes. If you think I am not worth it, move on. If you think I am flaky, move on.
I thought you were gone.
If you are leaving the hobby, good for you. Best of luck in all of your future endeavors.

Please remember this is a business. The men who pay for such services have any right to see who they want, when they want. They have the right to make "tentative" appointments and not respond - irrespective of your perception of how valuable and scarce your time is. That's part of the hobby and girls come a dime a dozen. The way you feel about you and your services are not always the opinions of your clients. Clarifying or debating their opinions only makes you look petty. Why would anyone book with you when they have a wide range of humble girls with good attitudes to choose from?

From one business person to another - value your clients/appointments as you expect them to value you. Your time is scarce? Lol - SO IS THEIRS! *Remember, they are the customers and therefore make the rules! If you didn't know that by now, you're not as smart as you appear to be.

Furthermore, your clients shouldn't have to have any of your personal "family" or "school" related problems interfere with their hobby time. That's real life BS they can get at home. Get a 9-5 job and see how much your employer cares about that. When it comes to your job, your personal problems are just that PERSONAL and not an excuse to hinder your job in any way.

Let your cell phone break, imagine going to your provider and seeing the door closed. Call a few times with no response. Finally, have them tell you they had family issues or school issues. Unacceptable, right? You'd find another carrier to go with, we all would.*

To anyone retiring, do so as you arrived...with grace and a smile on your face.*

Remember many of the gals return - don't spoil your reputation by getting petty on the board. You're better than that
notdeadyet's Avatar
The biggest lessons to be learned from this thread are (1) sometimes, it is better to just STFU, even when you might be right, or even when you feel an almost irresistible urge to bare your soul, (2) it is impossible to win an argument on any internet board because there always are more of "them" than there is of you, and (3) one should be very careful before burning bridges because most anything one says can, and often will, come back to bite you in the ass.
Burning bridges here is not good. You don't want to predict your future like this.