If you dont have humor dont read.

Pamelatoo's Avatar
I .me. That Pam chick.. have a small farm. Two goats, two cows, used to have plenty of chicks, and rabbits. Lately two stray dogs have been eating up my chicks and mentally disturbing my rabbits. Topped it today them trying to get to my goats. Recently I have been told I cant do anything. More recent i have been told under State Law I can.
So I am on watch.
The funny part..
Animal control send a guy over. Looked like the black man from the movie THE GREEN MILE. We walked the grounds and stopped for a few to discuss options...A mosquito landed on his head and without thinking I slapped it. I am thanking my lucky stars he didnt have a taser on him.
Just a little true haha to get you though the day.
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 04-16-2010, 12:58 PM
For some reason I catch myself singing, "Old MacDonald." ... Still can't figure out why?

trubrit's Avatar
More like Bonanzoo, or Annie git yaw BB gun. Maybe Green halfacre.

Sorry Hatchet Hannah, couldn't resist it.
Sonoman's Avatar
LOL, to be fishing on the farm.........Get a good donkey (female-Jenny) and she will stop the stray dogs, hates coyotes and is a natural living with the goats, cows and other animals. Don't get a male jackass or you'll have to slap his hard head regardless if he has a mosquito on it or not. I have several Jenny's at the farm, but only one hard headed, stubborn, thick skulled, dumb ass Jack Ass.

But I guess if I only got laid once every two years I be hard headed too.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
Looked like the black man from the movie THE GREEN MILE. We walked the grounds and stopped for a few to discuss options...A mosquito landed on his head and without thinking I slapped it. I am thanking my lucky stars he didnt have a taser on him. Originally Posted by Pamelatoo
For some reason, I am thinking you left out part of the story.

Did you slap the mosquito AFTER you had already flashed your tits at him?
  • MrGiz
  • 04-16-2010, 02:06 PM
Just so long as flies didn't start flying out of his mouth.... I think you're fine! Of course you might want sum of that Warden's Wife service from him!
Did you slap the mosquito AFTER you had already flashed your tits at him? Originally Posted by Mac92451
For some reason, I'll bet he had the same shocked look on his face the Domino's Delivery guy did that night! Best tip the kid ever got!!! And I'm still ROTFLMAO.
canoodle's Avatar
Is she the Farmer's daughter I've heard so much about?
trubrit's Avatar
Is she the Farmer's daughter I've heard so much about? Originally Posted by canoodle
She is the farmer. She can swing a mean axe too. Don't let her get confused between your d@#k and a chicken neck