Advice I should get better at following

TheBizzer's Avatar
In the wake of recent events I'm not going to get into, several guys have asked me to repost something I posted in the men's locker room awhile back. It's just advice from my personal experiences in this "hobby", which I find I need to remind myself of from time to time. Take it for what it's worth.

With all the recent talk about pimps and managers, I wanted to throw out what little knowledge I have gathered over my 15 years of hobbying and following the boards to varying degrees. I realize that there are plenty of guys out there that been doing this way longer than me, but there are also plenty of new guys every day, and hopefully for those that are in a position similar to mine, my advice helps.

The number one thing to keep in mind on this board, or any others, is that no one here is your friend. There are friendly people, and you will get to like certain members just based on the personalities that come out as they post, but that is very different from them being your friend. You are dealing with anonymous people posting about illegal activity in which massive amounts of money change hands. You are also dealing with people whose sole reason for being on the board is the fact that they are obsessed and driven by sex. That means me, and that means you. To think you can ever trust any of them--- from the new guy with 3 posts, to the long time swinging dick, to the moderators themselves, is naïve at best and quite possibly criminally stupid. (BTW, I realize some guys are friends outside of this board, and I am not speaking for or about them. I am referring more to peoples’ board personas, which for guys like me that do not venture out to the socials and such, is all that you ever see).

I’ve made the mistake before of thinking of the guys who post on here as my buddies, who share the same perspective I do, have similar senses of humor, similar outlooks on life, similar values, etc. While I’m sure there are plenty of guys on here who, if we met in the real world, would fit into that category, it is a mistake to assume that all or even most of the guys on here are coming from the same place you are. It doesn’t make them bad people, necessarily, but the reasons that brought them here are very often times completely different than the reasons that brought you here.

In the 15 (almost) years I’ve been doing this, and the 9 I’ve been perusing the boards, I’ve come to realize that while I know a little more than the average person regarding the inner workings of the prostitution trade, as a whole I don’t know shit. And guess what? Most of these guys don’t either, no matter how far they puff their chests out and pretend to be king of the jungle. The ones that really do typically either keep to themselves, or manipulate the system to their benefit and have absolutely zero interest in helping your ass out. Think about it this way. They don’t teach that shit in school. And the really down and dirty ugly side isn’t discussed on the board either. I’ve seen more women than I can count, and while I’ve been able to get snippets of all the shit behind the scenes, nobody is throwing back the curtain just because you ask. To see it, you have to live it. So when somebody really knows what’s going on, chances are it’s because they are either working the system themselves or have at some point. Once again, you’re dealing with people obsessed with sex, and you’re crazy if you think they won’t screw you in order to gain more access to it.

For instance, let’s say a guy started thinking that he’d love to have easier and quicker access to some of these lovely ladies, and do so on his limited budget. He might even be a guy just like you. Maybe it starts as a conversation he initiates with a provider he’s gotten close to, or maybe she initiates the conversation. “Hey, I can really help your business out. I’ve got these friends that will write reviews, along with me, your business will go through the roof, you’ll make so much money, all I want in return is a free session and maybe some preferential treatment, blah blah blah.” To many from AS*D (side note, why is everybody afraid to spell it out?), that situation is all too familiar.

Wonder if it could happen here? Ask yourself, if you really wanted to, could you pull it off, at least for awhile? I’m pretty sure I could. Just take a little time, establish a reputation, write some assorted reviews of assorted girls. It wouldn’t take long and you would have the asset of a trusted handle that you could sell for sex to certain providers. Would I do this? Hell no. I like to keep far fucking away from the drama and daily lives of providers and their world. But would somebody else? I absolutely believe they would. And being a newer board with such a rapid immigration from the old board makes it all that much easier.

My point isn’t to throw out any accusations. In fact my point is that accusations are basically pointless. All you can do is keep your ears pricked, develop a sixth sense for when things smell fishy (pardon my pun), and always be careful. You can never really know what’s behind anybody’s handle, regardless of what it is they’re posting. As is often said, everybody has an agenda, or at least you should proceed as if they do.

Hopefully this information is helpful to some of you guys. Feel free to disagree with it, tear it apart, whatever. It’s the small perspective I’ve gained from my own personal experiences, and after reading thread after thread about pimps and exposing them and the fake handles they have, I just thought I’d offer my opinion. While I completely understand the wish and the want to do so, you might as well go outside with a fly swatter and try and kill every mosquito in Dallas. There just ain’t no way. For all you know someone doing the outing might be just knocking off his own competition.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
That's what we get for taking anything in this realm too seriously. It's a lot simpler stated:

"Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see."