Royal Inn: with both feet

Tantric93's Avatar
I decided to check out the Royal Inn
mentioned in earlier posts- real easy
just park, walk along next to the rooms and
presto! A new friend... Forty gets ya a nice
quicky. I tried a prego blonde around 19 and
a 30ish brunette... Don't worry I started by tapping
on doors... See the guy in the corner room for
good luck and have fun!
  • Jet
  • 06-03-2010, 04:16 PM
WTH? This is how we gonna see the adds now?
There have been plenty of arrests in the Royal Inn parking lot because guys just "park and walk along next to the rooms". Hang out in the area on a Friday night and see how many cars get pulled over in there. There was an alert here in the past month that said LE was monitoring the traffic in there. I don't see why not, its like shooting fish in a barrel.
rock star's Avatar
I drove past there on Saturday night and there was two guys in a black pickup parked in the corner of the parking lot across the street closest to Royal Inn watching the action and a DPD car parked in the back of the gas station on the other side. The DPD didn't even flinch when a car severely squealed tires on the way out of the gas station. It looked like a setup to me big time.
I once was up the stairs to a room when the girl pointed to the street and shouted "POLICE!". She slammed the door and that's when I noticed the squad car pulling a U to enter the parking lot. They pulled over two dudes who where walking into the lot. I booked it out of there along with like six other cars. Haven't been back since.
Boom Boom's Avatar

Seriously though, glad you made it out of there.

Something like that happened to me once. I was on the 2nd floor with a provider & all of a sudden LE pulls up to question some idiot about his loud music from his car. Long story short, they ended up taking him in & impounding his car. This basically left me stuck in the room watching an episode or two of "cops". The irony of it all.