KC Massage!

KC Massage was busted earlier today! Just saw it on the news.
lustylad's Avatar
Those charges are a a bunch of BS....
That's for sure!!
Knute's Avatar
  • Knute
  • 09-04-2013, 06:41 PM
Detectives said the officer was propositioned by a female, prompting the charges.
I've been there at least 20 times and never been propositioned. Kind of suspicious that a cop walks in and gets propositioned. My bet is they just want to hassle this place and try to close it. I doubt we hear another word about this and they reopen within a month.
burghman1969's Avatar
Kind of like the place in Cranberry that everyone swore nothing beyond legit massage was offered. Are these guys just waving an insane amount of cash ind front of them, making it so hard to say no?
tommdem's Avatar
this place has always been legit as far as i know.
eyecu2's Avatar
Well, I spoke to one of the ladies who used to work there, and she said it's a bogus charge. I know NONE of the girls there ever offered any kinda extra. You had to go MANY times and get to know them/ and then ask each time. It's not an offered entree by any means. Plus....really a wieny tug is worth that kinda crap. The top cop of aspinwall should be telling the would be do gooders out there, ....that money coming into aspinwall is good and mind thier own fucking business. God knows I've spent mine in the area before and after a massage. Dumbasses.
lustylad's Avatar
Here's a video:


No way could an undercover cop have been "propositioned" there. He would have to ask for extras, which is (illegal) soliciting. This raid is sheer harassment. Haul the girls away in handcuffs, then release them. They'll get the message. Better not touch Mr. Willy.

Someone should tell the neighbor guy in the video there's nothing illegal about talking on your cellphone. The creepy owner needs to hire a good lawyer. No more FOP donations. Maybe he can sue the police for racial profiling.
loneshark's Avatar
I believe that most guys will say legit because it was and maybe a good customer received more but cops lie and they did put effort into the bust saying an investigation was going on for a while leads me to believe they sent in different under cover LE and found a weak link and after a couple times thought they had the goods to make a bust. I think its BS they are just not liking all the places with signs and in business areas and getting a lot of complains from the neighborhood.
lustylad's Avatar
I think its BS they are just not liking all the places with signs and in business areas and getting a lot of complains from the neighborhood. Originally Posted by loneshark
This place has been open for 4 years and always stayed UTR. Most people driving by on Freeport Road never even noticed it. Only sign was a small sandwich board out front. There was parking in the back so the patrons didn't disturb anyone. If neighbors complained when business was good, it was probably because they were jealous. Or racist. Too bad, I always thought of Aspinwall as a liberal community that welcomes diversity...
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 09-05-2013, 03:10 PM
Aspinwall is primarily composed of upper-income folks, many with kids. It borders Fox Chapel, and is a fairly small community. It is so small, that many of the residents know the individual police and fire officers.

I was always surprised that this place managed to stay open. IMO, it would only take a few of the disaffected local moms to get wind of this place to start up trouble. Given the small nature of the community, if 1-2 of the local women started to complain about a 'massage parlor' or 'prostitution shack' in the area - the local cops will take notice.

The strange, bi-curious neighbor is another example of the type of person who might complain. After all:

-- people pulling in and out of a place that offers 30/60 minute massages????VERY suspicious.

--- Girls talking on their cellphones outside their workplace??? Hell, you might as well just wear a shirt that screams 'WHOREHOUSE!"

WTF is wrong with some guys....
lustylad's Avatar
There are dozens of Chinese massage places all over town, including many in upper-income neighborhoods. Most of them get reviewed here and on other boards as "strictly legit" or "no hint of extras", etc. Also plenty of non-Chinese places like "Massage Envy" sprouting up everywhere. The only ones harassed by LE are the Chinese joints that hire cute young girls and then - surprise, surprise - get very popular.

The other problem is how the news people love this type of story and use innuendo to distort the truth. Like saying the customers were getting massages "and a whole lot more". So every one thinks it means fucking and sucking. Heck, most of us used to get more on an average high school date than anyone could expect at a place like KC.