
vman4tgirl's Avatar
I had been seeing a CL girl most of the spring and summer. I told her I was taking a month off for vacation.Now a few weeks after I got back ,I got a text asking how things were and asking if I wanted to hang out? I couldn't at that time. But I tried to chat like we used to and the answers came back short and vague. Then no answer at all.
Now I know I wasn't the only guy she "hung" out with. And she wasn't the most careful person as far as check to see if they were LE.
I am wondering if she got busted and that LE is going through her phone contacting guys asking to hang out? I haven't heard anything since. Should I try to contact her or just drop it and move on?
Any thoughts or insight would be appreciated.
eyecu2's Avatar
Move on. Pussy is like a bus, another one is coming down the road in a cpl minutes
berryberry's Avatar
She may have just moved on to another one or two herself

No big deal, there always are more out there
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 09-07-2013, 09:00 PM
True, they come and go. If she hasn't disappeared this time, she will at some point in the future anyways.

That being said - a girl not getting back to you promptly after you've disappeared for a few months isn't really uncommon. It definitely doesn't necessarily mean that they're L.E. It might mean - she's got other priorities going on right now (other guys, a 'real' BF, work, ...who knows? who cares?).

Try giving her a call and setting up something soon and specific. Let her see that you're back in the mode to spend some cash, asap. Don't forget - this isn't a girlfriend, this is a CL girl who wants money. You put yourself into category of 'window shopper' for a few months. Show her that you're back into 'sugar daddy' category, and then see how she responds.

If she's moved on, you've lost nothing - now you know. If she responds well, then you've gained something - and now you know you're back in the game.
blkstocking's Avatar
Good advice.
Cabot has some good advice.

Perhaps she thought you were just chatting her up and have no intention of booking? There are quite a few gentlemen who do just that and perhaps she's just gotten a bit tired of that game.

Next time you try chatting ask about getting together soon and see if her attitude changes..