Random Sexual Facts


here are a few that are funny sexually!

Minute quantities of over 30 different substances have been identified in human semen.

These include nitrogen, fructose, lactic acid, ascorbic acid, inositol, cholesterol, glutathione, creatine, pyruvic acid, citric acid, sorbitol, urea, uric acid and Vitamin B12, along with various salts and enzymes.

Kinda Healthy to drink..
Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the same feel-good chemical responsible for the ecstatic high people experience through sexual attraction and love.
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The earth could be re-populated to its current level using the number of sperm that could fit into an aspirin capsule.
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When a man ejaculates, the initial spurt travels at 28 miles per hour – faster than the world record for the 100m sprint, which currently stands at 22.9 miles per hour.
Don't forget fuckitol!
A woman is more likely to want to commit adultery during ovulation than at any other time in her cycle.

White women are the most likely to engage in anal sex, particularly if they also have a college degree.