Much more thorough quiz..?

So I saw the kinky quiz posted recently... Pretty bland and everyone here should hit more than 50 percent easily. As a better gauge of kink, try the following.... Yes, it takes a little time, but its fun, and might give you a few ideas for the bucket list...

I recommend the standard 500 questions in the center of the page..

I have honostly begun to give this test to any potential partner I have more than a once and done with... Can't waste my time with the innocents unless they are willing to learn and expand their horizons quickly...
Namcot1's Avatar
500 and 1000 questions!! How long does it take to complete each one?
Namcot1's Avatar
I go 54.6% on the 500 questions test.

The higher the number, the more pure you are; in the same vein, the lower the score, the more of a sleaze-bag you are.
Chung Tran's Avatar
so how long did the test take?
Namcot1's Avatar
Took me about 30 min. I'll tackel the 1000 question one later.
It does take a little time, but damn it's actually quite fun.

I had a 52.4 last year... I'm down to a 47.5 now...
30.4% on the 500 questions
Macgregor's Avatar
44.4 on 500 questions.
  • Gbfsl
  • 09-01-2016, 03:07 PM
35.8 on this one

In retrospect, I guess I have lived a pretty good life so far.......and it ain't over yet!

It's great to be alive!
Namcot1's Avatar
I just took the 1000Q test. It took me almost 47 min to complete.

My score is: 67.4%
feetnstuff187's Avatar
Just finished the 1000 question test. 70.8% pure, lol. Guess I've got some catching up to do.
Peach Pleasure's Avatar
25.2% sexually pure on the 500
Now that's what I'm talking about!
49.2% on the 500. The non-sexual questions kept me from scoring lower.
horizonman2010's Avatar
I was taking the test then I got a PM back offering to suck me off.

Reality is so cool !

I'll take the test later.