Thank You St Chris!!!

St.Mateo's Avatar
I would like to say at this time I am stepping down as a staff member here in Texas.

As some of you know that really know me for the last 3 years I have been battling cancer. For the most part of last year I underwent various forms of chemotherapy and in December underwent a procedure that was very successful in getting me into remission. Soon I will be starting a course of preventive measures that are needed to keep me where I am at now The Glioma that was destroyed has a 60 percent of reoccurence within 18 months. As you can see the road has been long and is still a long way to completion This and other things make stepping down necessary. It is important to understand that a positive mental outlook is needed just as much as the medical practices that are required to fight what I have learned is the worst menace to anyones life out there. I lost 2 years ago a dear friend from ovarian cancer that killed her less than 6 months after she was diagnosed I beleive I was lucky this time and if that reoccurence happens I will be in the for the fight of my life. I do not ask for pity or the like all I ask for is a prayer and a kind word

Recently a few situations here of a personal nature were brought up in messages that I felt very strongly should not be here. The content of those messages and similar statements made on a despicable website were conveyed in a message to my oldest daughter via voice mail
I have taught my children to fight for what they beleive is true and to stand up and aggressively fight back against anything they feel is wrong and threatens those that are dear to them Needless to say our relationship is very strained as is with my other daughter Word travels fast in the real world as it does here.
I have decided that I am going to tell my daughter the truth about what I do because quite simply when all other reasons are said the truth is the one that matters the most This particular situation has pushed me to be away from here in the hobby plus with all the other things you deal with ongoing all the time. I cannot detail everything because for one I have to protect as much as I can her identity and everything that is here as well
Do understand my family comes first and anyone or anybody that threatens that will be found out and dealt with.
I also have made mistakes but do understand there was no bad intention behind it I always tried to do the correct thing but a few times made errors

I have learned in the last several weeks here who really are my friends and who I thought were my friends. I can only hope a few of you that feel that I failed you somehow and someway down the road can get to the point of making it right.
I know a well known provider here who shares with me a similar crazy life where we term the phrase "Steven Speilberg has nothing on us" meaning even he couldnt write a script for a movie as creative as he is about the most crazy things that happen in our lives

I have made some genuine friendships here that will last forever no matter what happens down the road and you know who you are and I am very grateful for that

Lastly I want to thank Chris.He for sure will always be my friend who trusted me to come here and help him
He really is the man........

To everyone else be careful be safe and most of all say something positive instead of negative It really does make a difference .......
good on ya!!! no problem.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Good luck and prayers sent for your continued recovery from cancer.
TexRich's Avatar
Thank you St. Mateo for all of your work and the times you have given me help and sage advice. I hope you and your family the very best whatever you do. God Bless.
Good luck sweetie !
Thanks for your service as a Mod, St. Mateo. And good luck to you with your'll be fine!
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Fucking cancer sucks cock. I am there with you brother. I feel like I get in a fight everyday. I know things will get better for you. You are in my thoughts.
steverino50's Avatar
Best wishes, St. Mateo and God Bless!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 03-08-2011, 06:09 AM
St. Mateo...........good luck and god speed my friend
I know I hate to see you go. Take care of yourself. My prayers will be with you.
Good luck with your war, fighting health issues is a never-ending series of battles. Thanks for all of your hard work here.
LazurusLong's Avatar
The content of those messages and similar statements made on a despicable website were conveyed in a message to my oldest daughter via voice mail Originally Posted by St.Mateo
I didn't think anyone was allowed to mention or hint about that site? Or are you talking about the Houston based site?

Part of the problem in bringing personal issues like cancer to the board is the associated personal information that gets dragged along with it.

Once that door is cracked open, it is much like letting the camel's nose into the door of the tent, you'll never get the damn thing back out.

Outing to family members is the lowest part of low. But everyone should take note here that the only way someone could even know you had a daughter was by sharing too much personal information.

I've just lost a very close friend/family member to cancer so I understand the struggles ahead and hope you get through this.
Mateo explained his situation about his daughter and mentioned the other site because of what occurred there that brought all this to a head.
He has apologized and explained his reasons , I for one accept his apology and wish him well in battle against cancer and his battle against all the assholes who have made his life even harder at a bad time.
Mentioning he has a daughter in no way should reveal enough personal info for someone to use it against him. How many people have daughters in this country?
pmdelites's Avatar
st. mateo,

i only know of you thru posts and then not even much from them. THANKS for being one of the mods who do tons of work behind the scene. it is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.

when life/time/the universe rears up and grabs you and shakes you and say "pay attention to me!", if one is smart and not itching for a fight w/ life/time/the universe, one does what one has to do to take care of themself and/or their family. fighting against time or just laying down and let it run over you are, in my opinion, not very worthwhile.

in my opinion, tho our pleasures and delites are important, there are MUCH MORE important things than that.

so. st. mateo, i send you tons of positive, healing, and loving energy and wish you the best as you enter and navigate the next phase of your life!!! hope you get to continue having pleasures and delites in as many ways as possible.
pmdelites's Avatar
Mentioning he has a daughter in no way should reveal enough personal info for someone to use it against him. How many people have daughters in this country? Originally Posted by looiecypher
agreed. some of the stuff i write is pure fiction. like saying thursday for sunday afternoon, mpcfs for snuggled a long time, or had three orgasms for just barely came once. i convey my overall meaning but may change the details to hide some facts or embellish some facts.

in any case, that someone would attack or disrespect or damage him by using any info st. mateo might have said is definitely low and cruel. it will return to them in a bad karma way. plus, doing that says a heck of lot more about that person and their values than it does about st. mateo and his values.