Are They Supposed to Look Like That?

Perhaps it's just me, but whenever I see a pair of breasts it gets my motor running UNLESS it's a pair that looks like a set of over-inflated, stetched-to-the-Limit, ready-to-explode balloons. I saw one lady at a local gentlemens club that was sporting a pair with the skin stretched so tight it appeared painful.

My memory is still pretty damn good and I bet I could recall every pair of boobs I've held in my hands and very, VERY few were that over-inflated. Is it a new look? Did Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian or some other mysoginistic trendsetter pump hers up to 45lbs and declare them beeyouteefulllll!!!

If done correctly, shouldn't MM's be soft-to-the-touch? Hang downward just a tad? I'm not talking a pair of bells waiting to sway from side-to-side, but how natural can a pair of breasts be when they're that.....tight?
  • hd
  • 03-14-2012, 12:51 PM
Maybe she just had enlargements done and the skin hasn't stretched out yet?? only my guess, I don't know squat about how it's done.
It's America dude. For some reason this country has decided that obnoxious breasts are sexy. That's why foreign porn is so much better that the valley's. They still know what a natural woman is supposed to look like.

Just one more thing that make so many other countries laugh at us.
MMs take awhile to soften up and drop a little. Sometimes a few months. Part depends of what they are made of. Silcone gel is the latest and do indeed feel very real if well done and the right size for the womans frame. Like most things, the ladies get what they/you pay for.
Buy American, and go Natural!

Just a personal preference.

I know I feel nothing, absolutely dead inside when I look at my hairy breasts
The feel prolly depends on implants or silicone...