Clowns that amuse me...

  • Noid
  • 02-27-2015, 06:19 AM
Look at me threads(whispers). Foster care empire, still a "daddy" to this day. Can only relate to immature girls and boys,Snitching hall monitor(ricky) the multi-handle king.Mod in absentia(sixx). Haven't seen one moderation, probably busy lobbying with his title.Accusations fly on this playground. I am NOT anyone but me. This is my one and only handle, you can drop that pretence, Keyboard bullies and tough guys. Have a nice day.
Whatever you say txaustin202. lol
Nobody is buying your bullshit!
Whispers's Avatar
Whatever you say txaustin202. lol
Nobody is buying your bullshit! Originally Posted by rockerrick
txaustin202? That was that whiney little boy with roid rage right? fell in love with that incredibly popular young lady that preferred TOYZ company to his?....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-27-2015, 08:31 AM
txaustin202? That was that whiney little boy with roid rage right? fell in love with a whore that preferred TOYZ company to his?.... Originally Posted by Whispers

Hey...don't drag me inna this. . Thata ancient history. I don't want to have bad things sad about that "whore". She's pretty fucking special as Hoogars go.

Whispers's Avatar
what you talking about Willis?
  • Noid
  • 02-27-2015, 09:04 AM
I ain't tx 202. Get past that delusion and we can have a dialogue. Oh I neglected to mention clown (car)toys, sanctimonius much? whisp won't address his forbidden topic love. ricky... no wonder you like PUNK rock. Gimmie hell boys, this is a rough playground.
Whispers's Avatar
ehh...... you just don't matter much..... sorry man .... your like that other clown that Claire whipped into a frenzy......
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-27-2015, 09:46 AM
I ain't tx 202. Get past that delusion and we can have a dialogue. Oh I neglected to mention clown (car)toys, sanctimonius much? whisp won't address his forbidden topic love. ricky... no wonder you like PUNK rock. Gimmie hell boys, this is a rough playground. Originally Posted by Noid

I am supremely sanctimonious! Also overly confident. Excessively rude. Incredibly verbose. Laughingly judgemental.

And those are my good characteristics...

But I'm not like you seeking my 15 minutes of fame...IMA established here...good or bad...your a chump newbie with shitty editing skillz.

Rant on though...its fun to watch.

But...somehow start to get interesting or your just another blowhard seeking confrontation with nothing more than an attitude to save you.
  • Noid
  • 02-27-2015, 10:21 AM
Ah gee, it's my lifes ambition to matter to whispy or any swinging dicks on ur little whore board. CarToyz, not seeking fame here. You are correct just a rant about those that disgust me.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-27-2015, 10:26 AM
Ah gee, it's my lifes ambition to matter to whispy or any swinging dicks on ur little whore board. CarToyz, not seeking fame here. You are correct just a rant about those that disgust me. Originally Posted by Noid
Have fun HemerNOID.
Hey Toyz, you know what they say, better to be a swinging dick than a cocksucker!
I think a tear is forming on the corner of my eye because a bunch of shit talking assholes don't like me. Umm.. Not really. What's wrong Ricky boy? I've seen you talk tough about not hiding behind a monitor and wanting to meet in person so many times now. So what's wrong now? When someone isn't scared to do that, you turn chicken? When you grow a spine, email me at

And PG is absolutely right about the idiot mods. I'll add corrupt mods. Isn't there a thread in SA right now about Mokoa making up his own rules? Chica Chaser permanently bans a DISABLED account for having had dupe accounts in the past. Yeah I'm sure that's in the rulebook. And our own Ztonk helping you, Toyz, and Homer in threatening me with outing over shit you guys knew nothing about. But of course you guys think you know it all.

So Toyz.. Are you upset that the girl you pine over and talk about taking away from here if you won the lottery wants me instead? She fucks me real good and I don't have to fork over a penny. And here's a picture for you.

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-27-2015, 11:22 AM
I think a tear is forming on the corner of my eye because a bunch of shit talking assholes don't like me. Umm.. Not really. What's wrong Ricky boy? I've seen you talk tough about not hiding behind a monitor and wanting to meet in person so many times now. So what's wrong now? When someone isn't scared to do that, you turn chicken? When you grow a spine, email me at

And PG is absolutely right about the idiot mods. I'll add corrupt mods. Isn't there a thread in SA right now about Mokoa making up his own rules? Chica Chaser permanently bans a DISABLED account for having had dupe accounts in the past. Yeah I'm sure that's in the rulebook. And our own Ztonk helping you, Toyz, and Homer in threatening me with outing over shit you guys knew nothing about. But of course you guys think you know it all.

So Toyz.. Are you upset that the girl you pine over and talk about taking away from here if you won the lottery wants me instead? She fucks me real good and I don't have to fork over a penny. And here's a picture for you.

Originally Posted by Baller1

No not pining at all, what gives you that impression?

Because Whispers fucked with your ego a bit?

Shes an awesome woman and a great person, but I haven't talked to her in forever... fact is when she & I were friends I had an ATF (the ATF) I preferred seeing. I've stated that MANY times even when she was in Austin. Its a matter of record.

I hope she is happy. I hope you've quit stalking her. I hope you've quit showing up at her parents house and telling them what she did in desperation to get her to come back to you. I hope she feels safe now. She moved away BECAUSE of you...she FEARED you because you are obviously bi-polar and dangerous.

Maybe you've sought counseling. Maybe you sucked up and crawled on your belly enough to convince her you won't do those things again. Maybe she throws a chunk of ass at you monthly to KEEP you from stalking/threatening/harassing her...I don't know. Who ever knows why a woman does stupid shit?

Am I jealous that you are fucking a prostitute? Give it a rest he-man...I'm not impressed nor do I care. My loyalty to her was born from friendship, not fucking.


You and I really didn't have that many disagreements...I think you continue to be an immature hothead, but that's my personal opinion and I haven't come gunning for you...because, as RR said you really are unimportant here.

Now, treat her good 'cause she is a special PERSON not just a possession or a piece of ass to show off to convince yourself you have a great dick or something.
All you guys are so likable that I must be the only person on this planet that dislikes you guys. So it must be me. It's laughable. If you wanted to stay out of it Toyz, then maybe you should have stayed out of it. Peace out. The whale and all you assholes can have your fun now. I've got better things to do than live on a hooker board like you sorry assholes.
Lol you still don't know shit Toyz. That entire crap you just wrote is horseshit. Like I said, she goes out of her way to buy a plane ticket to come see me. So she must really like stalkers. Peace out man. You guys are still all so clueless.