Would you ever do a blindfold session

lilsmurf's Avatar
Blindfold the whole time, Ladies or gents,
You would know pics from showcases
But that's it. Who would be a gamer for that,
Sounds kinky to me.
Sir Lancelot's Avatar
Oh my gosh, I actually did that a few years back.

I had met her before but it had been a while. When I came in .... well I guess I better save the details at least for a while ....

But I will tell you, it was the most erotic thing I have ever done. Gosh. I climaxed in about 10 seconds ... LOL. But we were not even close to finished. She knew what she as doing.

I would do it again in a second with the right girl.

Have fun and play safe.

I would be up for that. Maybe tie my hands to the headboard too?
Traveler64's Avatar
OK, I've never told this before but since most of the involved parties are no longer on the scene I'll give out some tidbits.

It started as a twosome appointment. Provider A and Client A. I was not Client A. He was going to surprise Provider A with Provider B as a present because she was attracted to Provider B but had never been with her BCD. I was also scheduled to drop in for a quick non-bcd surprise hello. I had previously seen both Provider A and Provider B so they knew me well.

Client A put the blindfold on Provider A and then secretly telephoned Provider B waiting (with me) in the parking lot to come on in the apartment. I waited in the car for a subsequent secret phone call about 10 minutes later as my cue to sneak in.

The scene I arrived to was Provider A on her back on the bed naked and blindfolded, Provider B with very little clothing on top of Provider A. Client A was standing next to the bed (with undies on, thank God). I walked in and helped myself to a little nipple action and then some DFK trying the whole time to keep from laughing. Since I knew I had to boogie in a minute or two, since this was NOT my session, but merely a 'surprise' for Provider A, I thought I needed to do something to at least let her know that there was a second man in the room. So I put my lips to her ear and gently growled. Her exact response was "Traveler?" I was shocked. I had never growled in her presence before yet she ID'ed me. I'm still amazed to this day.

Off came her blindfold. She kissed me and then noticed who Provider B was hovering over her and then kissed her. Then she noticed another lady standing at the end of the bed. She was a stripper/nonprovider that both I and Client A knew that had come in with me. (Provider B and the stripper got to know each other in my car in the parking lot.)

The stripper and I then left for the threesome to continue. I'm not sure how the rest of the session went but the blindfold part was awesome and I didn't even have any sex. But I did have a ball at a local restaurant afterwards trying to get the stripper to come down off the high she just had experienced of 5 minutes in a blindfolded session. But all that's another story.

So IMHO blindfolds can be incredible.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Blindfold the whole time, Ladies or gents,
You would know pics from showcases
But that's it. Who would be a gamer for that,
Sounds kinky to me. Originally Posted by lilsmurf
What is going on with you today, lilsmurf? Your hormones must be in an absolute rage today. First, you write a great topic about rough sex an "another realm" and now this.

You are certainly wishing to stretch your boundaries.

With that being said, being blindfolded heightens your other senses. I don't know if it's as kinky as some other things but 'one man's vanilla is another man's kinky'.

If you're blindfolded, and can stay still ... and you have a creative partner, then you might have an interesting experience. Of course, if you cannot stay still ... and that might be an issue, someone could always tie you up, first.

You know, we have to go with the flow sometimes!

geezerdude2's Avatar
After they've gotten a good look at me, most of the women I've seen request a blindfold for themselves!!
pmdelites's Avatar
a week ago, i blindfolded a provider when i visited her. i'd visited her once before, we got along well, we discussed this before i arrived, and she gave me her safe word. she was blindfolded for 1 hr, then i gave it to her and said "your turn, until our time is up." i lost count of Os after her 3rd. i had several body Os and two cups of tea.

in the past, i have blindfolded other providers [again, after i've visited them several times and we felt comfortable w/ each other] and had some of them blindfold me. one time, two providers blindfolded me and had their way w/ me for about 1+ hrs. i then got to blindfold both of them and had my way w/ them for 1+ hrs.

it can be erotic and sexy and stimulating and intense.
best if you both/all know each other well enough for there not to be any complications.

another option, when you blindfold them, put really good earplugs in! visual and aural deprivation can be very intense but also very pleasurable. make sure she's ok w/ that. a couple of women i know cant take both deprivations.

finally, when you're really comfortable, you can add ties or cuffs or scarves or ..... go read the "Another realm" forum.
I have been blindfolded before, but only with someone I knew prior to the event. It is highly erotic!
Lol It is fun to be blindfolded and to blindfold the other person!!
Have done it before and would do it again. Love it!
Kelly TNT's Avatar
I have been blind folded before and WOW it was extremely erotic! I would Soooo do it again!

~Kelly TNT
pmdelites's Avatar
if i only knew...

sounds like i need to continue bringing my blindfolds to my intimate encounters...
oldmarine's Avatar
Hmmmmm, maybe I should put that on my bucket list. Being blindfolded sounds like it could be a lot of fun as could blindfolding my partner.
lilsmurf's Avatar
I want to blind fold Emily and Reese
kinky hell yea
lilsmurf's Avatar
and kelly!