Anyone want to hunt Africa?

I can get permits for Elephant, cats, varieties of other quadrapeds, and perhaps even Rhino in several countries.

Recommend bringing Winchester 300 or equivalent, perhaps even 375 H&H if Elephants are sought.

In the west I have been to Angola, Namibia, and Zimbabwe - all are like paradise.

In the east I've been to Kenya but no where else. I would like to know if Uganda is possible.

Has anyone been to Mosambique, Zambia or Malawi - next on my list.

I have someone very good who's been in Zimbabwe for thirty years and can get permits easily there.
DRorchia's Avatar
You posted this earlier on the "Carry"? thread-"I still shoot on ranges and own a number of guns, but I do not hunt anymore. I can't stand to see an animal killed". Has your stance on hunting changed in the last few weeks?
Holeshot's Avatar
I've always wanted to hunt in Africa. I've dreamed of hunting lions there, I shot a Browning A Bolt Medallion 300WSM with a Zeiss 6.5-18x50mm scope. So, I think that should be enough rifle.
  • Paven
  • 01-07-2011, 11:30 PM
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
BOO! Originally Posted by Paven
Agree. Let's make it a true sport. Arm the animals and teach them to shoot back!!
  • Paven
  • 01-08-2011, 06:36 AM
Agree. Let's make it a true sport. Arm the animals and teach them to shoot back!! Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Great idea! Better yet lets all try and live in harmony. I am a HUGE lover of all animals but elephants are my most favorite creature. There is absolutely no reason to kill these beautiful majestic creatures. There is nothing sport about it! It's just straight up murder! Elephants especially mourn their losses, what if a matriarch elephant were shot and killed? She is the one that remembers all of the water holes and best eating areas throughout the years and passes on her wisdom to the younger elephants. These creatures are more family like than most human families these days.
I can't imagine anything fun about disabling a family unit.

If you want to shoot something, go line up some tin cans up on a fence out in the country and have at it!

Leave the beautiful creatures of this earth alive and well, they don't need to live in fear of poachers or big game hunters.
DRorchia's Avatar
I see nothing wrong with hunting as long as you eat what you kill or give the meat to people in need.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I see nothing wrong with hunting as long as you eat what you kill or give the meat to people in need. Originally Posted by DTorchia
Absolutely no problem with that. But I totally agree with Paven. Hunting of animals like elephants and lions is done, IMHO, for the thrill of the hunt, not for the food to eat.
DRorchia's Avatar
Absolutely no problem with that. But I totally agree with Paven. Hunting of animals like elephants and lions is done, IMHO, for the thrill of the hunt, not for the food to eat. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I have no argument with your or Paven's point. The animals Paven has mentioned were either endangered at one time or another or very near too it. I personally would never hunt elephant, lion, tiger or any of those sorts of animals. I have no desire to go to Africa and kill one of these animals. I've heard the point made that hunting in the U.S., such as deer, serves a useful purpose as the herds tend to overpopulate for the amount of land they can use for grazing but I personally don't kill simply for the size of the antlers or anything like that. If I hunt, it's because I have the taste for some venison, hog or whatever it is I'm hunting. Still curious too why TAE's stance on hunting has changed in just two weeks time?
  • Paven
  • 01-08-2011, 07:33 AM
I have a desire to go to Africa but for a very different reason. I want to work in a baby elephant and baby rhino orphanage. The people that care for these orphans are wonderful but they are always in need of more help. There wouldn't be so many baby orphans if people didn't poach or big game hunt. Folks that do this sort of thing either don't know or don't care about the trickle down effect this has on the animals family.
If you shoot a mother lion and she has baby cubs who is going to protect those cubs and teach them how to hunt and survive? Living on the open plains of Africa is hard enough for survival of the fittest without extra unnecessary hardships like being shot at from a helicopter.
madvmax1985's Avatar
Really if you have the erge to hunt such animals why not do it with a 35 mm camera
Agree. Let's make it a true sport. Arm the animals and teach them to shoot back!! Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ah, a man who's never hunted Cape Buffalo. There's a reason you hunt with an armed guide. And a reason to use a double gun.

I probably wouldn't hunt any other the other "deadly game", but I'd love to go after a Cape. Of course, the cost of the hunt is outrageous.
Absolutely no problem with that. But I totally agree with Paven. Hunting of animals like elephants and lions is done, IMHO, for the thrill of the hunt, not for the food to eat. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Hunting elephants is Kenya is a bad way to get shot by a Kenyan soldier in a helicopter. With a .50 full auto.

But like I said, there are animals that can be hunted. Not safely, but hunted.
Really if you have the erge to hunt such animals why not do it with a 35 mm camera Originally Posted by madvmax1985
I can shoot my dSLR (I just gave up film. But I have two backups) with a 750 mm lens from half a mile. But you have to stalk a buff or a lion to within about 20 yards. Or less.

But to each his/her own.

Yes, I eat my turkey and most of the venison. The rest goes to Hunters Against Hunger.
madvmax1985's Avatar
Thats very cool austin_voy that you eat what you kill and donate to hunters against hunger but most don't just saying to kill just for a trophy is a waste !!