Reopening German SW Industry

aka Mike Hammer's Avatar
Berlin opened on 1 September, Now today, the NRW Courts announce the current restrictions are disproportionate.
Prostitution is allowed again in NRW with immediate effect. The Higher Administrative Court has temporarily suspended the ban on sexual services. The judges believe that the total ban is probably not proportionate.

Things are already looking bleak in the short term, since there have been some high profile bankruptcies of brothels, including Pascha in Cologne, apparently. Can't say that I've ever been to one. Just a few FKKs. Rather prefer the better agencies.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Good to see clubs returning, 9 of 16 states allowed SW this whole time just not clubs. What was key is the NRW opening as they outright banned SW in all forms this entire time.

The worst is over and well behind us now assuming no infections traced to the clubs.. Clubs will take one year minimum at least to be ' normal' as in lifting the restrictions of the club rules of spacing, masks, ' what can do in the room', lines etc. Saunas, steam rooms, pools remain closed blocked off by tape. Club life will not be normal until the vaccine and even after will be restrictions so Private Flat girls are still a good option.

The leader of Sex Workers' rights Groups sent a demand letter yesterday quite forcefully worded to the high court of Hessen (Frankfurt clubs) so now the pressure on Hessen is massive. The NRW was also the epicenter of cases so the fact they have opened pretty much means the courts in Hessen will be forced to reverse although they may make the clubs jump thru hoops. The ban is now considered unconstitutional; fingers crossed for good news soon. Hessen can no longer argue the health risks as NRW which was worse has opened.

Pascha is really just a multi level RLD in a building, it has a little club but worthless. Most likely it will reopen. Loophole stuff. If they close no big loss to us guys. One NRW club ( Living Room) is closing but merging w another ( Villa Vanilla), no major damage done. Samya opened yesterday and GT next week. If Pascha never opens again another one will take it's place.

The big clubs all made it thru or will so since 90% of Tourists go to the FKKs in Hessen they can rest assured they will open, owners have the money. Richest clubs of all. Sharks, Oase, Palace, Mainhatten all will open and World/ROM should too although pre-Covid World was having issues.. The state of BW is also closed, so the Stuttgart clubs ( Paradise, Sakura) will be closed for now they too will probably reopen. They too are rich.

The most important thing is the efforts to ban Prostitution in DE outright failed; That was the greatest fear of all. Prostitution prevailed so ' alles gut.'

So yes, it is bleak in sense ' normalcy' is not back but everything is on track much faster than anyone ever thought. Many Germans thought would be the end of 2021 but this nightmare ended in just 6 months. Now we just need air travel! Hessen/BW will open the locals estimate anytime from next week on. There is one fear they will wait until the new year if they do so be it however staying closed presents issues with fairness, proportionality and constitutionality.

Prostitution won, most important. Several of the political parties in GER wanted an outright ban and they lost. Their ' Dr Fauci' was also against it. Bottom line be it clubs or in your case agencies all will be good. Agencies were banned ( in some states) for a while too but they got the green light few moths ago so all good for those gents..

I hope to see some of you over there, when flights open a few of us are planning a group trip, anyone is free to PM me if interested on a ' tour' of GER/AUS...

best of health to all
aka Mike Hammer's Avatar
My reason for regular monthly Germany trips is probably not long for the world, so to speak, but I intend to take advantage of relatively inexpensive flights as long as I can, when this finally subsides.

Speaking of the battle for SWer rights in Germany, two thoughts. Huge victory for the ladies in Germany, and hopefully a shot across the bow of the "Nordic Model."
KCQuestor's Avatar
Should clarify that SW here means sex worker and not street walker.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
My reason for regular monthly Germany trips is probably not long for the world, so to speak, but I intend to take advantage of relatively inexpensive flights as long as I can, when this finally subsides.

Speaking of the battle for SWer rights in Germany, two thoughts. Huge victory for the ladies in Germany, and hopefully a shot across the bow of the "Nordic Model." Originally Posted by aka Mike Hammer
I am hoping for cheap flights upon resumption, sadly won't be soon. I would pay $5,000 today just for the right to go and be let in, need something good to happen...

Big victory indeed even bigger since the opposition wants to outlaw it all together even independents. They really screwed the SW for months tied them up for political bullshit and in meantime they worked illegally w no police controls only making it worse w girls on the streets; no testing etc. This is a massive victory long term too as the opposition party in Berlin which includes the Chancellor and the Chancellor to be is not so fond of SW. Now; they can do nothing.

Well some good new for us... Masks must be worn. Distancing. Some states requires windows to be opened and 15 min between rooms to air out and change sheets. No kissing. Maximum 30 min rooms. Hearing reports of long lines, best girls booked; parking lots overflowing so at least when we do get to go the shirt will be ironed out..

What really sucks is the girls are all writing the regulars as they fear rooms w ' spies' if they break the hygiene rules. So here I sit stranded and all my friends and regular girls will have a blast... What can I say, we are powerless... At least w a vaccine most likely to enter the EU some of these rules and lines will be reduced for us. Sitting on couches with masks would suck.

Now we wait on Hessen, here not so good for SW the state giving them the screws but any day now the high court may let it roll. Currently Hessen will not accounce until ' sometime in October' what they plan to do but in the meantime any day the courts could tell Hessen we don't care what you do, other states have allowed you have to too. Cross fingers.

This has been the worst summer of my life; could have been in GER fucking many of these girls in their apartments this whole time, no condoms all CIP all 120-150 HR max but no. I live in the USA!

Hopefully see you over there, always good to find a fellow American over there... You can find me in the NRW; Hessen sucks. IMO.

Just saw KCQ post about SW's; speaking of the actual street walkers scene is booming for those in Berlin; w only one FKK in Berlin and many of the smaller places shit tons on the streets in nice areas and good service. For CIP Gangbangs; great city.

Also; be prepared to possibly have to download the Corona Contact Trace App ( this might be required of Americans once we come; all TBD); and to show your passport and give you phone number. For me no big deal.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Just an update on the never ending landscape of the scene in DE... All the states that matter have pretty much opened with many restrictions on behavior and services except the two big ones; where the bulk of the tourists will go. That being the states of BW and Hessen. In other words ' Stuttgart' and Frankfurt so this includes the big names like Paradise, Sakura, Sharks, Oase, Palace, Mainhatten and World. All brothels closed including the red light districts...

Court ruling just came down in BW: Closed!,4398592

Hessen Court should rule soon it is possible they are delaying the verdict and watching the NRW for virus cases ( no Coronavirus traced to sex venues yet; only a Gonorrhea outbreak) or they were looking at Stuttgart to bolster support for the state's case...

Not like it matters; unless we have dual citizenship, a business Visa or a valid and written legit reason to enter the EU we Americans are all banned for now...

Most likely London will be first which would be fine for me, plenty there...

Happy Mongering and good luck to your Fantasy teams today...
KosherCowboy's Avatar
FWIW several have asked about the large FRA area clubs; as of now they are closed. Today the STATE of Hessen has ruled they must remain closed until January 31, 2021. However, the COURT can over rule this and the hearing is set for next week. The State will claim the virus is too high the brothel operators will argue the closures are disproportionate given 14 of the 16 states do permit houses of prostitution. And the one other state has no sex venues. So Hessen is really the lone state not permitting.

BW ( Stuttgart) has even reversed the above decision.

Regardless if the state decision is overturned; brothels in GER may have to close in line w rising cases and closures/curfews etc for bars, stores, restaurants as Berlin lays down the hammer on much...

Even if they open 1) Americans can not travel ' leisurely' yet to the EU and 2) The restrictions in place are counter to why ' most' Americans would be going anyway...

so as of now we Americans are banned from anywhere good. Basically the only countries that allow us are shit holes, the ' 2nd or 3rd' world countries etc all w high virus counts. Well, now the EU is higher too.

I am counting on the spring for travel to the EU maybe; if London opens to us than I will go.

Best of health as always to all. The German guys I speak with are all split 50/50 on what the court will say next week.

I hope this helps and saves me sending out PMs and emails....

Stay safe all.
MartinBaier536's Avatar
What a great news God help them all in this pandemic situation.