The final proof that Trump doesn't have the Temperament to be POTUS!!!

The orange face asshole forgot he was at a fundraiser and not one of his rally. This is the first time in nearly 30 years that a candidate was loudly boos over so called "jokes".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The final proof? You're saying that there won't be another of these? Okay then. Your link doesn't work just like Hillary and Obama care.
The final proof? You're saying that there won't be another of these? Okay then. Your link doesn't work just like Hillary and Obama care. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Let me help Puke_Likely out and save this thread!
Let me help Puke_Likely out and save this thread! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
By the Liberal logic Trump shouldn't have access to nuclear codes because he doesn't have the temperament and he's a bigot, lol. But this goofy bitch should?

  • DSK
  • 10-22-2016, 09:26 AM
The orange face asshole forgot he was at a fundraiser and not one of his rally. This is the first time in nearly 30 years that a candidate was loudly boos over so called "jokes". Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Actually, it was the booing which was political.

You got it backwards again, fatso.
southtown4488's Avatar
Originally Posted by i'va biggen


Didn't Bill Clinton tell Trump a couple years ago that he should run for POTUS. Fuckin brilliant, Bill Clinton played the republicans like am old saxophone. and you republicunts are dumb enough to fall for it all.

Didn't Bill Clinton tell Trump a couple years ago that he should run for POTUS. Fuckin brilliant, Bill Clinton played the republicans like am old saxophone. and you republicunts are dumb enough to fall for it all. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Yeah but you fell for the Clinton scheme back in the 90's and now you're ready and willing to do it again in 2016. Two dumbs don't make a smart. Have a good life meat head, lol.

Yeah but you fell for the Clinton scheme back in the 90's and now you're ready and willing to do it again in 2016. Two dumbs don't make a smart. Have a good life meat head, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Scheme ? Even as I conservative have to admit the economy was great under the Clinton years you do remember a surplus was left to Bush?
LOL. If telling the elites to go fuck off isn't POTUS material, I'd be okay with him being "god emperor" of America then.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Scheme ? Even as I conservative have to admit the economy was great under the Clinton years you do remember a surplus was left to Bush? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
The reality is that that surplus was on paper only. It didn't really exist. Clinton rolled a dice and put our debt on low interest, short term bonds instead of moderate, very long term bonds. If the economy had collapsed earlier then the US (but not the Clinton) debt would have ballooned enormously. Kind of what Clinton did with Bin Laden. He had the chance to take him down but deduced that anything Bin Laden did would be on the next president's watch and not his problem. So Clinton had Bin Laden sent to Afghanistan by the Suden and 9/11 happened. That's why Clinton is the godfather of 9/11.

That claim of a surplus is all about the ratio of the deficit to the GDP. It was a negative for three years including one of Bush's so I guess you can call that a surplus but it's not and never has been real. But let's play along and say it was real, okay Clinton got a got economy curtesy of Reagan and Bush. If you want to give him credit for someone else's work then I guess that is the democratic way. Of course, you are also saying that Obama is a major failure, a very major failure and Hillary be extension wants to continue that failure.

So you can claim a surplus, a good economy under Bill (a myth) but to do so you have to condemn Obama and Hillary. Is that what you're saying Lubed?

Clinton’s $3 Trillion Raid on Social Security


Once again, Bill Clinton is trying to outdo Congress in protecting Social Security. Two years ago, he challenged the Congress to save 60 percent of the surplus for Social Security. In this year’s budget, Clinton is proposing a "Social Security solvency lock-box" that is intended to secure every dollar of the Social Security surplus for Social Security. While this plan may conjure up images of stacks of cash waiting in Fort Knox for the Baby Boomers to retire, the reality is that his plan leaves the vault empty when the program begins to run large cash deficits in just 14 years.
Scheme ? Even as I conservative have to admit the economy was great under the Clinton years you do remember a surplus was left to Bush? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Figures you would fall for that tripe. We have a debt based economy. You know what debt is? You can't have a surplus under this economy. It didn't happen under Clinton or anyone else.

Jim Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Notice Bill's helpers forehead? and his beard?

A zebibah (Arabic زبيبة zabība, "raisin"), also known as a zabiba or zebiba, or browneye, is a mark on the forehead of some Muslims, apparently due to the friction generated by repeated contact of the forehead with the prayer mat during daily prayers.