Biden’s new Covid rules!

bambino's Avatar
Since Biden rarely has an original thought he’ll copy Rocket Mans;
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So with Joey having dementia, it does appear that we're headed for an insane fascist rule by executive order cause getting laws through the senate will be a tough job regardless of the Georgia votes.
But, as for executive orders:
SCOTUS overturned 5 of Roosevelt's in 1935.
Also one of Truman's in 52.
Carter and Reagan had orders overturned as well.
Ripmany's Avatar
That would take care of anti masker Karen's.
Ripmany's Avatar
Thing that biden will do dispute republic ideas.
1.reducing covid-19 deaths my making a medical history report person and have no inllness.
2. Blame Trump
3. Blame bush.
4. Blame nixon
5.blame Trump again
6. Find a way to sock to minwager save a dollar out Evey pay check and say rich need to pay more.
7. Allow company that have groos working condition pay a few dollars to get out workmen comp on covid-19.
8. Make Evey one feel sorry for single moms for republican can beet up in men who have bitches for wives.
9. Get the second the vaccine from Trump bathtub FDA approved and pass laws you have to take and pay for it.
10. Talk about outlawing everything.
11. Have everyone see a docker at there exprence.
12. Have gorge sorssos insurance be mandatory you must have this with you at all times even if you walking.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Rage whining by triggered Trumpflakes!

When do you start paying off your bet, Bambinoe?
winn dixie's Avatar

Rage whining by triggered Trumpflakes!

When do you start paying off your bet, Bambinoe? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
With Biden's dementia, he'll blame the prior President: Obama!
LexusLover's Avatar
He's already blamed Obaminable ...

.... by embracing his own executive experience.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous are totally fucking around the bend, aren’t yous!

I see the cherub from hells is back. I wonder how many times he took it up the arse during his confinements.

winn dixie's Avatar
Yous are totally fucking around the bend, aren’t yous!

I see the cherub from hells is back. I wonder how many times he took it up the arse during his confinements.

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I see youre outta charmin too. Remember. Wipe front to back! lolling