Definition of Democratic Socialism

Actually, I read the definition of communism, as previously posted, and it has a lot of things I like. It seems to be a dirty word. It's certainly not Nazi Germany.

Here is the definiton of communism:

Nazi Germany was a totalitarian government, where as socialism in some form gives the people more control of use.

Now that I have read so many variations of government we could have, I believe I am a democratic socialist, not a liberal. There is a difference, I believe. I swing toward the left, but not to the extreme, but definitely not an extreme right wing!

If free thinking voters and definitely illegals vote, I believe they will vote democratic. Just my personal opinion.

The type of government we have now, in my opinion, is corporate fascism, similar and going toward another Nazi Germany style of totalitarism. In other words, we, the people, are merely slaves to the corporate system.
this should be interesting... I'm betting you get called a grubered, odumbo minion in about 5,4,3,2,1... take it away, chicken dick. You're the next contestant on 'Can I Be Dumber Today Than I Was Yesterday'. (I think you can win it)
this should be interesting... I'm betting you get called a grubered, odumbo minion in about 5,4,3,2,1... take it away, chicken dick. You're the next contestant on 'Can I Be Dumber Today Than I Was Yesterday'. (I think you can win it) Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Maybe so, but at least I don't follow the crowd just because this board thinks I should.
Maybe so, but at least I don't follow the crowd just because this board thinks I should. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
You're new. That wasn't a shot at you. There's a dipshit that goes by IB Stupid err IB a dipshit err IB Hankering... for a big, fat cock and he calls anyone that doesn't think like him a grubered, odumbo minion. Whatever the hell that means. I posited the other day that I think it's his fantasy three way. Him, Gruber and Odumbo, all oiled up and wrestling. He denied it, but then he would have to wouldn't he?
I B Hankering's Avatar
this should be interesting... I'm betting you get called a grubered, odumbo minion in about 5,4,3,2,1... take it away, chicken dick. You're the next contestant on 'Can I Be Dumber Today Than I Was Yesterday'. (I think you can win it) Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Your perverted fascination with poultry genitalia is quite telling, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. You need serious help, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.

You're new. That wasn't a shot at you. There's a dipshit that goes by IB Stupid err IB a dipshit err IB Hankering... for a big, fat cock and he calls anyone that doesn't think like him a grubered, odumbo minion. Whatever the hell that means. I posited the other day that I think it's his fantasy three way. Him, Gruber and Odumbo, all oiled up and wrestling. He denied it, but then he would have to wouldn't he? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You're admission that "U B a dipshit" was all you really needed to post, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your perverted fascination with poultry genitalia is quite telling, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. You need serious help, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Chicken dick, chicken dick, chicken dick dick dick!

Or maybe you'd prefer TURKEY TWAT! (After all, we remember that you also were named TWAT of the YEAR!)

I B Hankering's Avatar
Chicken dick, chicken dick, chicken dick dick dick!

Or maybe you'd prefer TURKEY TWAT! (After all, we remember that you also were named TWAT of the YEAR!)

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So you're obviously seeking to barter for something better than you have now, right, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Actually, I read the definition of communism, as previously posted, and it has a lot of things I like. It seems to be a dirty word. It's certainly not Nazi Germany.

Here is the definiton of communism:

Nazi Germany was a totalitarian government, where as socialism in some form gives the people more control of use.

Now that I have read so many variations of government we could have, I believe I am a democratic socialist, not a liberal. There is a difference, I believe. I swing toward the left, but not to the extreme, but definitely not an extreme right wing!

If free thinking voters and definitely illegals vote, I believe they will vote democratic. Just my personal opinion.

The type of government we have now, in my opinion, is corporate fascism, similar and going toward another Nazi Germany style of totalitarism. In other words, we, the people, are merely slaves to the corporate system. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
I lean Anarcho-Libertarian, but I completely agree with your last paragraph.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am not even sure why you brought up democratic socialism. The Nazi government was a National Socialist government. Unlike the Soviet Union which believed in an international form of socialism (though they were in the war communism mode), Germany was the end all-be all of their form of socialism. Corporations stayed within the ownership of the stockholders or creator but they had to abide by government wishes. So they had some freedom but not very much but at least they didn't lose their companies to the masses.

So tell us, in your own words, what is democratic-socialism as you understand it? Also explain the term corporate fascism to us, as you understand it. Why do you think that voting for the democratic party (in reality progressive-socialism light) is a good thing?
The one equation that is always left out of these utopian ideas is Human Nature.
Sooner or later, someone will seek to be in charge, make the rules, and tell everybody else how to live.

There in lies the rub. What happens to those that does not want to be "ruled".
They get sent to the Gulag, re-education camps, or simply put against the wall.

That is why most "communist" and "socialist" governments turn into "Thugocracys", where a few at the top make all the rules, live high on the hog, and spend a lot of time making sure nobody is around to challenge their authority.

I have said it many times. I am all for communism, or any other kind of "ism" as long as I can be in charge, have my "Dacha on the Volga", while those who are so anamored with these forms of Government get to dig potatoes in Siberia.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Communism does not work unless you are able to literally kill your opposition. Not difficult to look at the world in history and see what happens under communism. How do you like your genocide?
Not hard to see the failures either as all too many humans are more than willing to produce based on the lowest common denominator rather than achieve based on hard work.

This idea of "democracy" is doomed to failure as are most "democracies". There is a very good reason why our founding fathers chose a representative republic form of government rather than a democratic form of government. As much as the communists have tried, they still have not turned this nation totally into a democracy. The 17th amendment was one of the man steps in creating the problems we have today which was to deviate from our representative republic.
Senators were meant to represent the individual state and not the people. Representatives were intended to represent the people. This just further eroded the Republic.

Continuing down the road of so called democracy is what will destroy this nation. We have basically become a single party system with the basic difference being the name and not the results. The Deocats are communists and the Republicans are communist light. That is the establishment Republicans. There are a few that would like to stop the progression into a Democratic Republic not much different than any other weak ass communist nation like Venezuela. How is that government take over working for them now.
You're new. That wasn't a shot at you. There's a dipshit that goes by IB Stupid err IB a dipshit err IB Hankering... for a big, fat cock and he calls anyone that doesn't think like him a grubered, odumbo minion. Whatever the hell that means. I posited the other day that I think it's his fantasy three way. Him, Gruber and Odumbo, all oiled up and wrestling. He denied it, but then he would have to wouldn't he? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Those types of personalities are rooted in fear. When you cannot have a difference of opinion without putting the other down, better stay out of the kitchen.
I am not even sure why you brought up democratic socialism. The Nazi government was a National Socialist government. Unlike the Soviet Union which believed in an international form of socialism (though they were in the war communism mode), Germany was the end all-be all of their form of socialism. Corporations stayed within the ownership of the stockholders or creator but they had to abide by government wishes. So they had some freedom but not very much but at least they didn't lose their companies to the masses.

So tell us, in your own words, what is democratic-socialism as you understand it? Also explain the term corporate fascism to us, as you understand it. Why do you think that voting for the democratic party (in reality progressive-socialism light) is a good thing? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The reason I vote democrat is because, under the far right GOP type of government, tea party, whatever, the future of America looks does not look good. There are too many special interest groups, mostly multi-national corporations, who are in charge. I want a president who does what is best for the whole of America, not just a few.

I believe Hillary Clinton will be the next President and she will get most of the woman's vote. Even though women can vote now, there are many other issues (less pay than a man for same job) that need to be addressed. Women, in some form or fashion, are still treated as second class citizens. Isn't the GOP in the White House all male? If we get a woman President, a woman would bring more compassion and fairness into our government.

The non-stop wars are responsible for addiing billions to our already growing deficit. Funds are being being borrowed from social security to fight these wars. A lot of Americans only have social security to retire on. And, it's not very much. I posted an article from CBS about another VA scandal. Americans have paid into social security in order to have these safety nets. Extreme right GOP has consistently tried to minimize or completely eliminate public assistance. Yet, they continue to push unnecessary space programs and wars, which, like I said, only add billions to the already growing deficit. To me, this is not fiscal responsibility. It is a "for profit" system in order to feed the greed of those at the top.
Communism does not work unless you are able to literally kill your opposition. Not difficult to look at the world in history and see what happens under communism. How do you like your genocide?
Not hard to see the failures either as all too many humans are more than willing to produce based on the lowest common denominator rather than achieve based on hard work.

This idea of "democracy" is doomed to failure as are most "democracies". There is a very good reason why our founding fathers chose a representative republic form of government rather than a democratic form of government. As much as the communists have tried, they still have not turned this nation totally into a democracy. The 17th amendment was one of the man steps in creating the problems we have today which was to deviate from our representative republic.
Senators were meant to represent the individual state and not the people. Representatives were intended to represent the people. This just further eroded the Republic.

Continuing down the road of so called democracy is what will destroy this nation. We have basically become a single party system with the basic difference being the name and not the results. The Deocats are communists and the Republicans are communist light. That is the establishment Republicans. There are a few that would like to stop the progression into a Democratic Republic not much different than any other weak ass communist nation like Venezuela. How is that government take over working for them now. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Funny, because a lot of Americans retire in these South American countries, Panama, Costa Rica, Venezuela, because it's much cheaper to live there. The food is fresh and local, and there are no sink holes!

Do you think the government we have had since Reagan is working?
I B Hankering's Avatar

Sarisariņama Sinkholes, Venezuela