So, let' talk pricing...

For the record, I do not haggle prices. I pay the listed rate, or I just don't call. One of the first rules of economics is something is only as valuable as someone is willing to pay for it. Another rule is the price of perishable commodities (in this case, time) decreases as the commodity perishes. This being said, guys do you feel the need to haggle price? Is there a line where you just won't pay anymore? Gals, do you expect to be haggled with over price? Do you change the price depending on the client or the expected experience (good/bad/new/practice additional skill set)? Let's discuss.
Lets not. This is one topic that only succeeds in pissing people off with nothing gained
Lets not. This is one topic that only succeeds in pissing people off with nothing gained Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Really? I think it is a really interesting discussion. This gets to the fundamentals of overall economic debate...utility maximization versus profit maximization... I am looking forward to what folks have to say
pyramider's Avatar
Not very interesting after the quarterly thread on this very topic.
Really? I think it is a really interesting discussion. This gets to the fundamentals of overall economic debate...utility maximization versus profit maximization... I am looking forward to what folks have to say Originally Posted by thefamilydog
it would if everyone treated it like a an adult. But, like SSI and politics, this is the 3rd rail of the hobby
OP, you've been here three years so it's a little surprising you haven't seen the 11,745 threads on this subject. Unless you've been hibernating.
Or you could just do a search and read the dozens of other threads that discuss pricing and add to that.
  • jwood
  • 04-19-2015, 09:25 PM
Lets not. This is one topic that only succeeds in pissing people off with nothing gained Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Why would you respond, just sit back and see what happens.
Mavs fan's Avatar
I don't haggle with providers. I pay the rate listed in their showcase. If I feel they aren't worth it I don't see them again. I want them to feel that they are getting what they are worth. I want their best effort, so I pay what they ask. And I negotiate for a living and I am very good at it. I just don't feel that this is a good venue for negotiation. I don't negotiate with my Doctor either. I want his/her best effort. I don't want discounted service. I want the very best.
Another rule is the price of perishable commodities (in this case, time) decreases as the commodity perishes. Originally Posted by thefamilydog
This doesn't apply. If I don't "use" the time with a hobbyist, I use it for something else.

If it applied, the price would get lower with short-notice, but most ladies prefer advanced notice. If I were to give a discount it would be for advance notice, not short-notice.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I approach Hobby pricing the same as I do at Wal-Mart.. I will pay the 79 cents for the small candy bar, but not before I go on a mini-rant.. "Sonny, in my day a Nestle's Crunch Bar cost a dime, you people were born at the wrong time"...
ostatecowboy's Avatar
I never try to negotiate prices for less than what is quoted. I feel there would be the potential it would affect the girls attitude and performance. Most girls have their price on their showcase or ad and if it is more than I feel I would be willing to pay, I move on to the next ad.

Recently I was working on booking a multi-hour in Dallas. What did surprise me is how the younger girls priced it. I had to ask for pricing since most of the time it was not listed even though their ad or showcase said they were interested in multi-hour dates. The responses were something like "Sure I do multi-hour! My hourly rate is $350/hr so 4 hours would be $350 x 4 hours". I politely thanked them for taking the time to respond and moved on.

My experience about notice is that most girls I contact don't know how to handle advance notice. It has been a frustration to me. I usually need to plan a week or so in advance so I can plan around meetings, conference calls, travel, etc. However, when I try to book 4 or 5 days in advance, so often I get told to call back the night before because that is too far ahead for them to plan.
Chung Tran's Avatar
when I try to book 4 or 5 days in advance, so often I get told to call back the night before because that is too far ahead for them to plan. Originally Posted by ostatecowboy
I learned that lesson.. it is futile to book more than a day in advance, in my experience.. the ideal time is 2-4 hours.. any longer and you risk the session falling through.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I adore advanced notice. I'd prefer to walk in the door at 8AM already knowing my full plan for the day
Hercules's Avatar
All I know is they get pissed when I show up with a 5 gallon jug of coins for payment.