flaky provider-sensitive about her accent

(moderater: I dont know a better forum for this)

The weekend of April 18, I made contact with the following provider: SensualNurseD (P111924) on P411

I was staying in Fort Worth and after making email contact, I phoned her to make an apppointment. in the conversation, I noted her strong Texas drawl and teased her about it. we chatted about other topics, and I confirmed the rate requested on her p411 account..and we scheduled a time to meet. a couple hours later I rec'd a notice of a email from P411 and it was from her. she emailed to say she was cancelling because I...... made fun of her accent. "Dee" as she like to be called clearly sensitive about her drawl. the woman doesnt have enough confidence to speak up on the phone and say: " I dont like being teased about my accent and I am not making an appt"

upside: I got noticed of cancellation and there are other providers in Ft. Worth

be advised of this when making contact with her
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
It's her right to cancel.

Annnnnndddddd this is an alert how?
BBW Katrina's Avatar

Seems like a vendetta...a weak one at that.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 05-04-2015, 09:11 PM
I hope she attracts a flock of gentlemen who LOVE a good southern gal.
How is this an alert? Were the comments in the last time you posted about this about how much an ass you were not enough? Well, lets review, you made fun of someone you never met and are shocked she canceled? Now your posting AGAIN? Hopefully the mods will move this as its not an alert in any way shape or form. Except to avoid the ass posting it.

What a douche bag. Maybe Gina will cancel your P411 account for being such a prick. Would be fair.

Only 2 posts and both about the same incident with the same provider. What a looser
Superlark's Avatar
Sorry man, but this is not "ALERT".
Mojojo's Avatar
It goes in the co-ed like i informed you via pm.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Boltfan's Avatar
Ahhh, didn't see the dates.

Look fuckstick, you made an ass out of yourself, and were told as much by members of both sexes.

Maybe it should be left in alerts, as a self reported alert on himself. Fixation is a dangerous trait in this game.
I was emailed by the moderator (when I originally submitted the posting) that it wasnt approved as a review as it didnt meet guidelines. I got that and assumed the posting was never "public" in this forum. I replied to the moderator and requested their suggestion for a more suitable forum. I never got a repy

I posted this as the provider in question has turned her account back on at P411. and I just now learned that it was moved to coed discussions. got it: it was in the wrong forum

my original purpose. which was to inform those who might be visiting the Fort Worth area about the provider in question

several of you have show you have shown you dont like my posting "for various reasons"

this website is to inform. its one thing to not like a posting-it another to go out of your way to "flame it". lucky for you, this site has some fairly permissive moderators. most moderators on other websites would have banned you for that stuff.
Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Haha that was funny.

But jeez, just get over it dude. You literally told us all how you "teased her" about her accent, and after you guys set the appointment, she e-mailed you immediately after and told you she wasn't feeling it. Probably because she could tell you were a dick head and didn't want any confrontation or conflict.

Are you mad??? Shit. Move on.
sparrow1122's Avatar
Quit digging a deeper hole and move on!
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 05-05-2015, 05:56 AM
In your original post you used the word "teased". Only you and SND know what that really means.
Without being face to face or having a history with each other it obviously wasn't a good idea.
If your intent was playful she obviously didn't take it that way and I think there would have been better ways to handle it than to come on here and point it back at her.
I would have started by privately apologizing and letting her know that it was supposed to be playful teasing to break the ice.

She did give the courtesy of cancelling the appointment with several hours notice which left you with
1. Plenty of time to find another provider.
2 Plenty of time to explain to her that you didn't mean anything negative with your comments.
3. Plenty of time to try and work it out....who knows it could have been the beginning of a great provider\client relationship.

I think you two had a misunderstanding and it could have been handled in a better way (most likely by both parties).
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
She thought you were a jerk....
And you proved her right.....
inform us of what? That if you insult someone, they may not want to see you?I can buy that your new and didn't know what you were doing. But learn before you post. It was never a NCNS. she gave you the courtesy of cancelling well ahead of time and even gave you a reason why. that was very professional of her. instead of apologizing for insulting her, you attack her.

Then you post the same information as an alert. Did you bother to read what he alert forum is for?

You have made two post both trying to blame her for your bad manners. You're the one who was completely in the wrong, not her. Apologize to her not try to defend your boorish behavior.

You will be far more successful here if you
1. Learn to be more respectful of the ladies
2. Apologize when your wrong
3. Learn what the terms mean and how to use them.
4. Learn what the different forums are used for and READ the stickies at the top of each forum before posting.
5. Quit digging a deeper hole.