Warren hits Trump: He's trying to turn a health crisis into 'a political rally for himself' Marty Johnson 4 hrs ago

  • oeb11
  • 04-18-2020, 06:14 PM

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Saturday grilled President Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that his leadership is putting lives at risk.
© UPI Photo Warren hits Trump: He's trying to turn a health crisis into 'a political rally for himself' "He has failed abysmally in that and he has also failed just in the notion of what he's telling people. Saying liberate - free Michigan, Virginia. Encouraging people to come out and trying to turn this health crisis into a political rally for himself," Warren told MSNBC's Joy Reid on her show.

Warren added: "That is absolutely the wrong kind of leadership. It is the kind of leadership that puts lives at risk, and it is the kind of leadership that undermines the very strength of this country."
This week, Trump rolled out a three-phase strategy to re-open parts of the country, but on Friday went after Democratic governors who had extended their stay-at-home orders into May, tweeting "LIBERATE" Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.
The president has shown a desire to reopen the country's economy - which was sent flailing by the pandemic - though top health experts and lawmakers have screamed for the readiness of widespread testing before the country can begin to reopen.
The week featured numerous protests across the country, where Americans echoed Trump's eagerness to reopen the country. At several of the demonstrations, protestors broke many, if not all, of the social distancing guidelines that states and the Trump administration have introduced in the last several weeks.
During the interview, Warren pivoted, saying that Trump's shortcomings during the pandemic highlight why the country needs former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate.
"Right now we have a president of the United States who thinks only about himself, who has no empathy for other human beings. Joe Biden is a man who cares about others," the Massachusetts senator said.
"I want a man with a good heart making that decision and pulling people into that decision," she added. "That's why I support Joe Biden and that's why I'm glad to say it every chance I get."

fauxahontas cannot stay out of the LSM - condemning Trump for precisely what she and other fascist DPST's immediately did when they saw on opportunity to turn the Wuhan virus in to a pro-China and anti-Trump media frenzy.

Plsu - she sees a VP with Biden in her sights - and likely the Oval office if Biden is elected - his dementia will take him out in a minimum of a year.

she can sleaze right into the Oval office and align with AOC and Bernie to "Socialize America!!!
No more equal opportunity - it will be Soylent green new Deal and equal outcome Venezuela style for All but the fascist DPST nomenklatura - who will keep their ill-gotten millions privately held while confiscating all other wealth in America to spend on illegal aliens, government controls, subsidized and forced abortions. Open borders to all in South and Central America with free income, college, and legal immunity for llife from any criminal actions they commit.

Welcome mS-13!!!
The usual hypocrisy of the Fascist DPST's - Put kavanaugh through hell - because he is a conservative - and Biden gets a pass for a police report of a recent rape with supportive witnesses. LSM does not want anyone to know about it.

Well- Biden probably cannot remember any more that the thing he pees with used to be able to get an erection.
HoeHummer's Avatar
She is right.
pleasurem's Avatar
She’s an idiot and a liar... that’s the bottom line!!!
pleasurem's Avatar
She’s an idiot and a liar... that’s the bottom line!!!
Warren is another example of .......”Party first, Country second”.
Warren is another example of .......”Party first, Country second”.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Warren is another example of .......”Party first, Country second”. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Party First
Personal bank account second
Country dead ass last