MAGA - May a Graveyard Await..

Solemate62's Avatar
For the 40,000 dead citizens who lost their lives due to Trump and his accomplices, the cracker red neck hordes that march in protest to the common sense restrictions put in place by responsible Democrat Governors! 40,000 and growing all on you, Trump. and your Mental Midget Marchers!
I doubt there has ever been a more dumb and more rancidly hateful and more willfully blind thread in the history of threads than this thread
Jacuzzme's Avatar
For the 40,000 dead citizens who lost their lives due to Trump and his accomplices, the cracker red neck hordes that march in protest to the common sense restrictions put in place by responsible Democrat Governors! 40,000 and growing all on you, Trump. and your Mental Midget Marchers! Originally Posted by Solemate62
We need to compare the deaths over this time frame to all cause mortality in the United States, including a run of the numbers without NYC.
Americans are guaranteed the right to protest in the constitution. Those who meekly accept overreaching government are cowardly courage clowns.

Your use of the word midget is insensitive.
For the 40,000 dead citizens who lost their lives due to Trump and his accomplices, the cracker red neck hordes that march in protest to the common sense restrictions put in place by responsible Democrat Governors! 40,000 and growing all on you, Trump. and your Mental Midget Marchers! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahhaha........... .............................. ........This shit is too much. First of all those numbers are bullshit, 40,000 people haven't died from Covid-19 maybe only 400 at best. It's all about Government Control they succeed at their deception because of people like you. Thanks bitch.
  • oeb11
  • 04-19-2020, 08:46 AM
Nominating S -OP - for the "Band"!

Do not doubt that the Fascist DPST's have concentration camps planned for all their opponents - Conservatives, The Jewish people, those unable to contribute to their new Green Deal Society - just as the national socialists in the 1930's!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Talk about hateful postings, oebsy?

Only camps we see are the ones still full of “Donnie’s Kids” on the border.

RTM is your only friend.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Nominating S -OP - for the "Band"!

Do not doubt that the Fascist DPST's have concentration camps planned for all their opponents - Conservatives, The Jewish people, those unable to contribute to their new Green Deal Society - just as the national socialists in the 1930's! Originally Posted by oeb11
Talk about hateful postings, oebsy?

Only camps we see are the ones still full of “Donnie’s Kids” on the border.

RTM is your only friend.
LexusLover's Avatar
During the Obaminable-Biten administration ... all 8 years ... approximately 80,000 people were killed by drunk driving .....

they did NOTHING to stop it!
LexusLover's Avatar

RTM is your only friend. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Royal Terrorist Mounties?

Don't you just love living in Canada?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahhaha........... .............................. ........This shit is too much. First of all those numbers are bullshit, 40,000 people haven't died from Covid-19 maybe only 400 at best. It's all about Government Control they succeed at their deception because of people like you. Thanks bitch. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Where do you get your numbers?

Yous think Trump is lying about the deaths in the US of Eh? Exaggerating the numbers by a factor of 100? I could see where that would make sense, him lying, but how dare yous question his total authoritah?

LexusLover's Avatar
Where do you get your numbers?

Yous think Trump is lying about the deaths in the US .... Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Trump is repeating what he is told.

How many people do you believe ACTUALLY died from Covid-19?

Don't be so naive.

How is that there are people who don't die after they are infected and some have tested positive for the antibodies without ever having any symptoms?

The news media you suck on don't report THE FACTS. Let me give you a recent example:

Did YOUR NEWS MEDIA report about the "nursing home" that was "hoarding" bodies without reporting their deaths?

Other than ignoring the report because "it was a bunch of old people who were going to die anyway" ... did you wonder at all why it would be in the nursing home's interest not to report the deaths? Notice I didn't mention the "cause of death"!

News casters, pundits, and propagandists don't determine "the cause of death" and/or "the manner of death" (which are different concepts legally and medically). Is it in the financial interest of a hospital to arbitrarily assign the "cause of death" as Covid-19? Is it in the best interests of the LameStreamMedia, who you suck on for your "thoughts" (using that term loosely), to exaggerate the numbers of the dying as being "from Covid-19"?

I'm sorry for you that fewer people won't have died as you were hoping in the ramp up to the 2020 Fall election. But if you throw in all the shooting deaths in Chicago and the drunk driving deaths .... perhaps you can figure out how to stick those on Trump also .... oh, yea, don't forget the flu deaths and abortions you cherish.
  • oeb11
  • 04-19-2020, 09:06 AM
YR is just fabricating nonsense - expecting to get it past unsuspecting folks who will fall for the DPST propaganda.

No sense engaging with the poster.

Best just Ignored!!!!!
Where do you get your numbers?

Yous think Trump is lying about the deaths in the US of Eh? Exaggerating the numbers by a factor of 100? I could see where that would make sense, him lying, but how dare yous question his total authoritah?

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
All you liberals do is bitch about how much Trump lies then you believe all this hype and statistics about this pandemic. Of course the numbers are skewed. You obviously have no perception. Quit watching the news. Don't you realize the Media is designed to burn you out emotionally,Psychologically and Spiritually so that when those they work for make an actual move you'll sit there incapacitated. You're not using your mind the Media is using for you and you're letting them.
Dims don't want to flatten the curve. They want to flatten America.