My Apologies

I'd like to apologize to the guys in DSM. My last trip there lasted a whole 3 hours tops due to a death in my family. I unpacked my bag and then I had to repack it and head home.

I'd like to thank two guys from the board who were very understanding as I apologized to them in person. You know who you are.

To a few others, I'm very sorry I had bail and didn't give you a heads up. I hope you understand the reason why and my lack of responding in a timely manner.

There are a few other gents that I had lost your info, I'm so sorry.

I'd like to extend an offer to the gents of DSM on my next trip. You can take your choice of a discount or extended time at my regular rate.

Again, I'm very sorry and I'm hoping y'all understand the circumstance. Y'all have been very good to me the last few months.

livn2do's Avatar
We love ya sweety. A short limerick just for you.

There once was a woman named Elena
Who I wanted to do, can ya blamea
Naughty she was
As she pulls and she tugs
On me willy, driving me insanea

What can I say. I'm just a romantic at heart. Keep smiling Sugar, it's all good.
Awww, thanks. MUAH
Gladiator69's Avatar
Real life happens to us all...I'm sorry for your loss Sweetie!
Gladiator69's Avatar
And still waiting for you to make a visit to Cedar Rapids georgous!!!
Thank you BD. I will make it there soon, I promise.
livn2do's Avatar
Hey Big, MsE is heading to DSM this Tuesday and Wednesday. She is absolutely worth the drive over. Hell I'll even provide the meat and cheese tray this time around.
If you're bringing a meat and cheese tray, I'm glad I'm bringing wine.

Can I get some crackers too?
Gladiator69's Avatar
Hey Big, MsE is heading to DSM this Tuesday and Wednesday. She is absolutely worth the drive over. Hell I'll even provide the meat and cheese tray this time around. Originally Posted by livn2do
I wish I could livn, but my work schedule only allows me close to home appointments during the week. I already pm'd MsE and told her of your must see recommendation and she assured me she would make it over my way soon. I really do appreiciate the heads up tho and the meat & cheese tray is tempting my friend!
Oh the meat and cheese tray is tempting, but not me? ouch

I shall go lick my wounds now........
Meat, cheese, wine and a good woman who deserves to be pampered at a time like this. You guys are great. But rumor is she's better. :P
Not to toot my own horn, but I am.

Come find out Tues ffejweff.

>shameless plug<
Right on!!! Hey...I have a horn. An d I keep it well oiled. LOL. I'll see what I can swing with work to get some time off Tuesday. Scheduled 12 hour days this week.
livn2do's Avatar
>shameless plug< Originally Posted by MsElena
Speaking of plugs...uh, nevermind

Ok, here is my request this time around. Saltine crackers, a bag of those little green army men, and a pair of leopard print ear muffs. It's gonna be awesome.
I have the crackers and army men, the leopard ear muffs you might have to supply.