You immoral BITCH...NANCY

C'mon Nancy let me FUCKING HYPOCRITE!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
The hypocrisy! Wonder where pussolinni hides all the empty liquor bottles?
themystic's Avatar
C'mon Nancy let me FUCKING HYPOCRITE!!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Trump: "Im building a Wall at the Mexican border"

Unknown Random Moron: " Whos paying for it"?

Trump: " Mexico is paying for it"

Crowd of deplorable morons begin chanting, "USA,USA,USA"

Trump: " Nancy I need 5 billion dollars to build my wall"
Trump: " Please Nancy Im begging you"
Nancy: " Ill give you $ 1.00"
It's way past time for Republican activists stopped playing fair and started using SJW platforms against the SJWs.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It's way past time for Republican activists stopped playing fair and started using SJW platforms against the SJWs. Originally Posted by gnadfly

you're right, but I can't see them doing SJW tactics against left wing SJWs.

there's a certain mindset involved with that activity.
You mean like having values?

Or knowing the police aren't going to let you free with just a warning?

Or knowing that Twitter's Dorsey will drop the ban hammer on you for stuff he would let the Progressives get away with?
Trump: "Im building a Wall at the Mexican border"

Unknown Random Moron: " Whos paying for it"?

Trump: " Mexico is paying for it"

Crowd of deplorable morons begin chanting, "USA,USA,USA"

Trump: " Nancy I need 5 billion dollars to build my wall"
Trump: " Please Nancy Im begging you"
Nancy: " Ill give you $ 1.00" Originally Posted by themystic
You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO predictable...NEVER addressing the subject of the do you converse with ANYONE...they must look at you with either pity or CONTEMPT...maybe BOTH!!
What the fuck does your post have to do with NANCY'S "IMMORAL" wall at her multi-million dollar mansion and her LIBERAL tell...I know it it a TALL order for you!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like mystic got the hang of the art of trolling.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
looks like mystic got the hang of the art of trolling.

DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!!!!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
of course not! that's why i ignore him.



themystic's Avatar
You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO predictable...NEVER addressing the subject of the do you converse with ANYONE...they must look at you with either pity or CONTEMPT...maybe BOTH!!
What the fuck does your post have to do with NANCY'S "IMMORAL" wall at her multi-million dollar mansion and her LIBERAL tell...I know it it a TALL order for you!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Im so sorry my brother. Its tough for me to keep up with you intellectual elites. I don't speak the self professed " "mornonic deplorable" language of the "Trump" crowd.

Did Nancy ask for the government to fund her wall?

OMG did she say "Mexico was paying for her wall"?

Im praying for you bb. Be well
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Can't see the difference? One is private property. She owns it and can do what she wants. The other is public property. We decide what happens to that. Polls show the majority of the country doesn't want a wall. At least the majority in the house doesn't want a wall. Even though you claim it's her, she is doing what the people who elected her (CA, the house) want. They don't want a wall.

You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO predictable...NEVER addressing the subject of the do you converse with ANYONE...they must look at you with either pity or CONTEMPT...maybe BOTH!!
What the fuck does your post have to do with NANCY'S "IMMORAL" wall at her multi-million dollar mansion and her LIBERAL tell...I know it it a TALL order for you!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Can't see the difference? One is private property. She owns it and can do what she wants. The other is public property. We decide what happens to that. Polls show the majority of the country doesn't want a wall. At least the majority in the house doesn't want a wall. Even though you claim it's her, she is doing what the people who elected her (CA, the house) want. They don't want a wall.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The bitch never explained what was immoral about a wall...because there isn't...the dumb fucking bitch.
I guess the Dems wanted it then!!
CA is a clusterfuck...let the illegals ALL live there...I'm fine with that!!
themystic's Avatar
The bitch never explained what was immoral about a wall...because there isn't...the dumb fucking bitch.
I guess the Dems wanted it then!!
CA is a clusterfuck...let the illegals ALL live there...I'm fine with that!! Originally Posted by bb1961
What would Jesus Do?

What would Reagan do?
Can't see the difference? One is private property. She owns it and can do what she wants. The other is public property. We decide what happens to that. Polls show the majority of the country doesn't want a wall. At least the majority in the house doesn't want a wall. Even though you claim it's her, she is doing what the people who elected her (CA, the house) want. They don't want a wall.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
So if a border wall is immoral, do you want to remove the walls and fences already at the border?
themystic's Avatar
So if a border wall is immoral, do you want to remove the walls and fences already at the border? Originally Posted by friendly fred
the wall isn't immoral. its all politics. trumps stupid shit that Mexico was paying for the wall is the thing that's preventing it. Nancy is a politician and she is punking trump out. Sure is putting a new spin on his future rallies. Im glad Trump is president. I got sick of hearing how fucked up Hillary & Obama were.