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Sweet N Little's Avatar
Sweet N Little's Avatar

Sweet N Little's Avatar


tia travels's Avatar
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LMAO those are funny Tia!!

Girlfriend said she is tired of my mustang parts and I need to make a craigslist ad…so here is it
for sale
1 nagging dream smashing man hater
make an offer or look in the free section if she keeps it up and gets kicked to the curb
Date: 2009-05-10, 9:37PM EDT

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Hello SNL and Tia! You ladies are so great at finding funny items to post. I enjoy them immensely! I am a " bit sickly" today but your entries have made me chuckle and your good humor has made me feel a bit better. Who needs Jay Leno when we have the talents of SNL and Tia! Thanks!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Hello SNL and Tia! You ladies are so great at finding funny items to post. I enjoy them immensely! I am a " bit sickly" today but your entries have made me chuckle and your good humor has made me feel a bit better. Who needs Jay Leno when we have the talents of SNL and Tia! Thanks! Originally Posted by Relaxer
awwe thank you, If I make one person smile then it was a good day!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Stop spamming my funnies!! lol

Gipper4's Avatar
Stop, I didn't read the first one.......MODS please resque us!!! We're not here for education, we're here to laugh at other people!!1
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Stop, I didn't read the first one.......MODS please resque us!!! We're not here for education, we're here to laugh at other people!!1 Originally Posted by Gipper4
They get an "E" for effort, 95 spams in less than a day!!!