Got Diesel Exhaust Fluid?

texassapper's Avatar
Diesel Exhaust Fluid is a liquid that most modern Semi-s and farm vehicles utilize to reduce emissions. In vehicles that integrate it into their systems teh engine cannot physically run without DEF. The computer chips will actively prevent the engine from being turned over without it.

Guess what the US is on the verge of running out of?

yeah, DEF.

Without it nothing moves via 18 wheeler and nothing gets harvested off farms.

Key ingredient to DEF is Urea... guess who is the worlds #1 exporter and producer of Urea?

Yeah, Russia.

ANother GENIUS move by the Biden Regime is going to cut the throat of Americas movement of goods by road.

If you thought the 2020 TP shortage was fun, you're going to REALLY enjoy this one!

Check this out..... great fun is inbound.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Love you some Putin, don’t you, JL!

matchingmole's Avatar
Diesel Exhaust Fluid is a liquid that most modern Semi-s and farm vehicles utilize to reduce emissions. In vehicles that integrate it into their systems teh engine cannot physically run without DEF. The computer chips will actively prevent the engine from being turned over without it.

Guess what the US is on the verge of running out of?

yeah, DEF.

Without it nothing moves via 18 wheeler and nothing gets harvested off farms.

Key ingredient to DEF is Urea... guess who is the worlds #1 exporter and producer of Urea?

Yeah, Russia.

ANother GENIUS move by the Biden Regime is going to cut the throat of Americas movement of goods by road.

If you thought the 2020 TP shortage was fun, you're going to REALLY enjoy this one!

Check this out..... great fun is inbound. Originally Posted by texassapper

A good source of urea.......
Love you some Putin, don’t you, JL!

HAHSHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAG Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Surely figured YOU might need some o' that fuel, mate.

For you to share-with the Antifa and BLM criminals - so they
can burn down some more Churches and police houses!
Maybe set a few more buildings a-fire... And keep the
police and firemen at bay. ...

... Hurry-on and have a go...

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Diesel Exhaust Fluid is a liquid that most modern Semi-s and farm vehicles utilize to reduce emissions. In vehicles that integrate it into their systems teh engine cannot physically run without DEF. The computer chips will actively prevent the engine from being turned over without it.

Guess what the US is on the verge of running out of?

yeah, DEF.

Without it nothing moves via 18 wheeler and nothing gets harvested off farms.

Key ingredient to DEF is Urea... guess who is the worlds #1 exporter and producer of Urea?

Yeah, Russia.

ANother GENIUS move by the Biden Regime is going to cut the throat of Americas movement of goods by road.

If you thought the 2020 TP shortage was fun, you're going to REALLY enjoy this one!

Check this out..... great fun is inbound. Originally Posted by texassapper

it's far worse than that. as if shutting down the commercial trucking industry wasn't bad enough this stuff is a major component in agricultural fertilizer


More than 90% of world industrial production of urea is destined for use as a nitrogen-release fertilizer.[7] Urea has the highest nitrogen content of all solid nitrogenous fertilizers in common use

this is good news actually .. since you can't grow crops without this product on an industrial scale who needs Trucks!!


Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Buy Russian. It's your patriotic duty.

In a 'Hold My Beer' nod to Jimmy Carter, F Joe Biden will likely have to do a fire side chat in early July to encourage Americans to purchase more Russian goods - for America! Of course, he will likely outlaw outdoor fireworks - because Climate Change, then crap in his diaper.

(Bloomberg) -- The US government is quietly encouraging agricultural and shipping companies to buy and carry more Russian fertilizer, according to people familiar with the efforts, as sanctions fears have led to a sharp drop in supplies, fueling spiraling global food costs.

The effort is part of complex and difficult negotiations underway involving the United Nations to boost deliveries of fertilizer, grain and other farm products from Russia and Ukraine that have been disrupted by President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of his southern neighbor.
The EU and the US have built exemptions into their restrictions on doing business with Russia to allow trade in fertilizer, of which Moscow is a key global supplier. But many shippers, banks and insurers have been staying away from the trade out of fear they could inadvertently fall afoul of the rules. Russian fertilizer exports are down 24% this year. US officials, surprised by the extent of the caution, are in the seemingly paradoxical position of looking for ways to boost them.
Washington sent a representative to UN-led talks in Moscow earlier this month on the supply issues, according to people familiar with the situation who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss matters that aren’t public. Inadequate fertilizer deliveries this year could also affect next year’s crops.
The Kremlin has called on the US provide assurances to buyers and shippers of its fertilizer and grain that they aren’t subject to sanctions, suggesting it’s a condition of any steps to unblock shipments of Ukrainian farm products now.

“For Russia, it’s really important that U.S. authorities send a clear signal that these deals are permitted and in the interest of global food security and they shouldn’t refuse to carry them out,” said Ivan Timofeev, a sanctions specialist at the Kremlin-founded Russian International Affairs Council....
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
In an effort to prove that he never incurred any student loan debt by attending business school or taken any economics classes, F Joe Biden has marshaled all of the power of his galaxy brain to solve the world oil supply and spiraling fuel costs. To be honest, it could be because Kamala Harris is charge of it.
Pro Tip: Appears F Joe Biden was also in charge of the Audio/Visual in the embedded UTube video. It starts at around 19 minutes in.

Joe Biden Demands Gas Stations Lower Prices: ‘Do It Now’

President Joe Biden demanded Wednesday that gas stations start lowering their prices, in his latest attempt to address record-high prices this summer.

“To the companies running gas stations and setting those prices at the pump, this is a time of war, global peril, Ukraine,” he said.

The president spoke about the record high gas prices occurring during his administration during a speech on his imitation White House set across the street.

“These are not normal times. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you are paying for the product,” Biden said. “Do it now. Do it today.”

Biden griped that the price of oil had fallen slightly, but the price of gas had not.

“Some haven’t reduced prices at all,” he complained.

Biden called for congress to pass a federal gas tax holiday and urged states to do so as well, noting that it could help reduce prices.

“I’m doing my part,” he said defensively. “I want the congress, states, the industry to do their part as well.”

Biden again tried to blame Russian President Vladimir Putin for the high cost of gas, even though prices rose significantly before Russia invaded Ukraine.

The president argued that the high cost of gas was the price for defending democracy in Ukraine.

“We could have turned a blind eye to Putin’s murderous ways and the price of gas wouldn’t have spiked the way it has. I believe that would have been wrong. I believed then and believe now the free world had no choice,” Biden says.

He appeared rankled by Republicans blaming him and his administration’s policies for the high cost of gas, suggesting that they did not care about Ukraine.

“Are you saying we would rather have low gas prices in America than Putin’s iron first in Europe?” he asked.

A recent survey showed that only 11 percent of Americans blame Putin for high gas prices, while 52 percent blame Biden.
Though it remains unkknown if that same 11% were blaming Putin for the doubling of fuel prices before Feb 24, 2022. Probably were blaming Trump. Yeah, that's the Ticket -- blame Trump.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Diesel Exhaust Fluid is a liquid that most modern Semi-s and farm vehicles utilize to reduce emissions. In vehicles that integrate it into their systems teh engine cannot physically run without DEF. The computer chips will actively prevent the engine from being turned over without it.

Guess what the US is on the verge of running out of?

yeah, DEF.

Without it nothing moves via 18 wheeler and nothing gets harvested off farms.

Key ingredient to DEF is Urea... guess who is the worlds #1 exporter and producer of Urea?

Yeah, Russia.

ANother GENIUS move by the Biden Regime is going to cut the throat of Americas movement of goods by road.

If you thought the 2020 TP shortage was fun, you're going to REALLY enjoy this one!

Check this out..... great fun is inbound. Originally Posted by texassapper

WTF, still livin' Reagan's demand side joke.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

WTF, still livin' Reagan's demand side joke.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

when robots take over the factory jobs whatever shall we do with all those uneducated worthless illegal immigrants?

In your commie form of government no one is concerned about demand just need to pray they supply your meager needs!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
In your commie form of government no one is concerned about demand just need to pray they supply your meager needs!! Originally Posted by bb1961

That was actually funny and insisive. The Wiki/KGB Kid-like.

Are you the princess who hits and runs? I swear I can't keep up with you morons. In this case, for you, not so moronic.

We'll know if you reply to this.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That was actually funny and insisive. The Wiki/KGB Kid-like.

I swear I can't keep up with you

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

open more browser sessions ... works for me!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
open more browser sessions ... works for me!

BAAHHHHAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Wow! Okay. Never thought. Maybe it was sappy, or bb, and now Jacuzzi me. Or whatever he goes by.

Not using a desktop.

Not so easy on a portable device.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wow! Okay. Never thought. Maybe it was sappy, or bb, and now Jacuzzi me. Or whatever he goes by.

Not using a desktop.

Not so easy on a portable device. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you double tap the like button really fast ...

eccieuser9500's Avatar
You know I'm on a mobile device.

I've got to get a better gif.

Even I'm tired of this laughing one.