Here's a 'hypothetical' question:
As a newcomer, and haven't yet been verified or vouched for on the main client verification sites, so I do reference checks, etc. Very rarely, I'll be contacted by someone who doesn't have any references -- 'I've never done this before..' (uh huh) -- or whose references are out of date / have retired. In those instances, I do criminal and civil background checks.
Now, say, hypothetically, you were contacted by one such individual, did the checks, and came up with multiple 'nolo contendere' pleas on misdemeanours for traffic violations and drug related offenses with sentencing court notes noting 'jail time served'. In two states. And doesn't have a verifiable work address / contact. And is someone who actively asserts 'Don't worry I'm not a sex offender.'
Clearly, if this hypothetical situation were to arise, one would not been too keen on meeting with said individual, no? My question is, what's the best way to say 'no thanks' without potentially inciting someone who is now emailing every day, lives in your town and seems a wee bit unhinged?
I'm open to any and all suggestions...