Don't say I didn't tell you guys....

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Robert Gaters and the Obama Administration recently announced plans that they will cut 100 billion dollars in the defense department and already the right wing and tea party fanatics are outraged. I posted a topic not long ago about how anti-Obama people argue that the government is too large and the government should cut spending. However, the biggest department is the Defense department and i really don't want to get into the figures again- but we spend more on military spending then the rest of the WORLD combined yet the minute Obama talks about cutting the defense budget he gets blasted because he's going to make the country weak- he's going to put people out of work blah blah blah. The reality is if they cut 100 billion from the defense- we still would be spending more than all other countries combined. Hello Tea party and far right wing guys- you can't have it both ways- either you want to reduce the size of the governement and their spending or youd don't want to- and don't give me this hogwash that cutting 100 billion from a 700 billion is going to turn the U.S army into some pre-historic third world country's army or that people will lose jobs-duh if you cut spending in any department aren't jobs going to be lost???
john_galt's Avatar
You are not being totally honest WE. The defense department may well be the largest department but the largest expenses are the entitlements. The difference is the government is required to protect the country but not have all those give away programs.

Also you need to brush up on the TEA parties. We want effective government spending on what government is supposed to be taking care of. No more than that. We also want the government to get out of the regulation business. At no time have I heard the TEA party want to cut required military spending.

Yep, I was right... Social Security costs us more money than the department of defense does even after Obama lumped in the cost of the war with normal defense department spending. That means that Obama has already cut military spending once. While I'm on the subject, the problem is that the idiots did the cutting by accident. At least that is their story. Which means they have no idea what they are voting for which is kind of scary if you think about it.
Galt I would be pleased if you chose not to accept Social Security or is that not possible because of the pension you have. Waive the Med too as that is one of the biggest costs of the Defense Dept.

No regulation-see current economic crisis, see price fixing, see market dominance, see greed overcome humanity. Don't start.

Even John McCain has been bitching for decades about Defense spending and abuse.

In my opinion Gates is never wrong and the best member of the cabinet.
Is the Defense Department the biggest in our government?....only when you look at discretionary spending. If you look at the whole budget, including non-discretionary spending, HHS takes the title.

Is there waste in the DoD...absolutely...and I would love for the procurement system to be 'uncorrupted'. There is an opportunity for real savings there.

One piece of trivia...around $50 billion of the defense budget is healthcare costs....and Gates has put this on the chopping block. I find that interesting, since the military healthcare system was held up as a model during the healthcare debate...and now the administration has labelled this model un-sustainable...hmmm.

While I think there are savings to be had at DoD, one can't help but notice where the administration is placing its priorities. Yesterday congress voted through $23 billion to balance state budgets...and simultaneously announces reducing defense by $100 billion? What was cash for clunkers?...something like $3 billion, and it effectively had no impact on total car sales for the year....or the $12 billion that went for homebuyer tax credits....or the 9 billion cost for extending unemployment....or the $850 billion stimulous plan.

$100 billion cut in defense represents a 15% cut. What else is getting cut? Is defense spending the only line item out of whack...states need more money for teachers, congress doesn't even blink...maybe the states need a 15% cut too.
dirty dog's Avatar
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah all the world hates Obama, same ol' same ol'. You guys that love to cut the budget are the first to scream when shit hits the fan asking why the government did not do something. Clinton dismantles the intellegence departments and the military and then you scream how come Bush did not stop 911. So I hope you get what you wish for, cut it, give all the money to the "we deserve it's" because whatever they save on defense they will spend on something else. My question, whenever we cut the military budget we reduce manpower, we reduce R&D. What jobs are you going to give the people who lose theirs to cut the military so we can have money to give to some other "we need help" group through some government give away. Just like GM, when you liberals were screaming we cant lose GM because all of those other companys depend on GM and you going to put thousands of people out of work, well there are many companys that provide R&D, parts, materials etc. to the military, are all you liberals going to take one family in and support them, it's not like there are jobs out there. But please cut it so I can gloat when I hear you screaming "how come we didn't stop it".
dirty dog's Avatar
"In my opinion Gates is never wrong and the best member of the cabinet."

Somehow, I seriously doubt that you were saying this when he worked for Bush, give me a freakin break.
I mean it on Gates. I don't care who he worked for first. The first Bush picked him to run the CIA and he did a great job,=.

He is a class act.

DD; what happened to you since yesterday when you were contemplating a softer, more understanding, and kinder view of life?

Take it easy for you own health and welfare.
john_galt's Avatar
"The whole world hates Obama"? Who said that? Not anyone here except for you. Back to reality; the world either hates the US, or envys the US, or is afraid of the US, or is desperately looking to the US for help. There is very little room for ambivalence. We help our friends and the victims of our enemies. We must be ready at any time or place to destroy our enemies. There only way that happens is preparedness.

Pension? what pension? Anyway, any pension that I recieve has been earned unlike things like food stamps and the rest.
I assume you have a pension from your government job and the benefits too.
Lots and lots of on line classes paid for I assume by the govt also?

Food they don't need them just let them go hungry, and cancel the rest too. It is all their fault anyway and I got mine so fuck em.

Zat how you think Galt?
dirty dog's Avatar
"The whole world hates Obama"? Who said that? Not anyone here except for you. Back to reality; the world either hates the US, or envys the US, or is afraid of the US, or is desperately looking to the US for help. There is very little room for ambivalence. We help our friends and the victims of our enemies. We must be ready at any time or place to destroy our enemies. There only way that happens is preparedness.

Pension? what pension? Anyway, any pension that I recieve has been earned unlike things like food stamps and the rest. Originally Posted by john_galt
First of all my comment was not directed at you dumbass, the person who it was directed to knows what it means.
dirty dog's Avatar
Galt I would be pleased if you chose not to accept Social Security or is that not possible because of the pension you have. Waive the Med too as that is one of the biggest costs of the Defense Dept.

No regulation-see current economic crisis, see price fixing, see market dominance, see greed overcome humanity. Don't start.

Even John McCain has been bitching for decades about Defense spending and abuse.

In my opinion Gates is never wrong and the best member of the cabinet. Originally Posted by catnipdipper

The cuts there going to make are in the Med coverage benefits, along with other areas, McCain was complaining about the waste and fraud because of the system used for purchasing, these cuts do not change the procedure.
dirty dog's Avatar
"DD; what happened to you since yesterday when you were contemplating a softer, more understanding, and kinder view of life?

Take it easy for you own health and welfare."

LOL I am not mad brother, just trying to state a point in the most direct manner possible. Isnt everyone getting tired of the same ol' arguments, personally I am so sick of politics, Obama, Bush, and all the Bush did this and Obama did that and how dare she take a vacation and she deserves a vacation crap that I have been ignoring it for the most part. We have discussed military cut backs 3 times in the past 6 months, can you say boring, they all turn into a shit on Galt thread after a day anyway, not that he does not deserve it but it only breeds more of the same.
DD I agree. It has something to do with the media and the speed and reaction time in response to news these days.

We are all so opinionated and we do it from the hip. No one has any patience anymore. Our Presidents and I don't care which one we choose have no chance to take the time necessary to solve what is in front of them. Sometimes they pick wrong and we let them know right away.

I like being aware but in the old days we read a history book to figure it out.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
god i am drunk but let me say this all you war hacks who love that we spend some where close to 700 bill and then complain about the boarder wtf how dose the money spent help us with money spent how dose a 234 ar what ever help with the border. cry baby cry vote baby vote but shit dont change on yes blame baby blame. & fuck the news that shit fuck up alot kill every bastard or waterboard his or her ass if it leads us to the next fucker. but all this crying has to stop thats why I just dont care let one of thouse fucker who all you guys who collect guns are scared of come to my yard then lets see who really cares
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think the US should have the strongest, best equipped and most well trained military force in the world, and that we should never allow another country to get close. I also think we could have that for a lot less than what we are spending now. Let the military experts, not politicians, build it and cut the waste. Civilian control of the military should govern where and who we fight. Not how we build and procure weapons and training. Ah, but then what would the military industrial complex do?