Is Obama a Muslim or not?

john_galt's Avatar
I feel like the characte from the musical "1776". "Well, at last we can talk about it." He was talking about independence but I'm talking about stories now appearing and returning from the New York Times and Politico.

Obama appears to have a real soft spot for Islam and at the very least a dislike for Israel.

Kristoff interviewed Senator Obama in 2007 and he described Obama saying the most beautiful sound in the world in the Islamic call to prayers at sunset. He then repeated the calls in Arabic and, according to Kristoff, with a perfect Arab accent.

Obama had a slip of the lip during the campaign while being interviewed by Stephanopolous when he mentioned what he learned from "his muslim faith". Skippy corrected him on camera and it was an Eddie Haskell moment, Oh right, MY christian faith.

It now appears Obama did the same thing on the Brian Williams show.

Obama was raised in an Indonesian madrahsas (?) studying the Koran. Only muslims can go to such a school.

Obama writes in his book (there is doubt he wrote it: see Jack Cashill) that his father and grandfather were practicing muslims. According to muslim law that makes the son and grandson (Barry) a muslim.

The Koran allows muslims to lie to infidels (that's us) in order to advance Islam.

Oh, that prayer...The first line is Allah is Supreme (repeated) and there is no other god but Allah. Sharia law is the law of Allah and Obama's newest court nominee says that we have to be respectful and attentive to Sharia law.

Okay, that is some of what I have to say. I know that a few people here are now about to pop a blood vessel so let them write.

Tell us why you think beyond a reasonable doubt that you beleive Obama is a christian. I could give links but those same deniers would just blame the messenger instead of paying heed to the message. Looking up these things for yourselves may give them more respect.

Finally, I didn't really believe this but having an open mind I now have to consider it and the evidence is mounting. It is important because as someone said "they are running a game on us, they bambuzzled us." That was B. Obama Jr. who said that.
I think he was born a muslim. The assigning of Hussein as a middle name is a way to declare a baby as muslim....

However, he has no control over what religion he is born into.

So, he was born to a muslim father and atheist mother...who divorced and married another muslim man, moving to Indonesia. So, a young Obama went to school in a muslim country and surely was taught muslim traditions...

Then mom divorces again, and moves to Hawaii. It seems he had no religion in his life from pre-teen, to post graduate school...when he met Michelle, who introduced him to Rev Wright's brand of christianity...and now Obama has renounced Rev Wright.

So, what is his religion? I think the answer is that religion doesn't matter much to him, and he could really take it or leave it.

Is it important? Well, you're not going to get elected president in this country, unless you claim to be a practicing christian. This is why the administration has already responded to today's poll with a statement that he is christian and 'prays all the time'. Remember Clinton went to church all the time as president...but probably has only been a handful of times since - it was all show.

I think this links in to the birth certificate curiosity. I do believe he was born in Hawaii (it makes no logical sense that his mother would even have the funds to fly to Kenya...and who flies to Kenya to have a baby). I do however believe that his long form birth cert could possibly list his religion as muslim. Again, he can't control what was put on there...but he damn sure knows he could never get elected if it actually says that.

Do I believe 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that he is a christian? Sure, he spent 20 years with Rev yes, I think he considers himself a christian...but no other president has 'identified' with muslims as much as he has.
Thank you for that reply!
rquinng's Avatar
A good reply, I also thank you.

I do find is interesting how much folks want to discredit Obama based on things he really had no control of. Yes, their is little doubt his father was Muslim, just as their is little doubt that he barely knew his father. Yes his mother was probably a bit of a hippie atheist who liked mideastern men. However, when she started to get her shit together she came back to the US where Obama spent his formative high school years and college years and had a very close and loving relationship with his Grandparents, who are very white and very Lutheran. He then went to Graduate school, moved to Chicago and sought out a very well known Christian Minister, and joined this man's church, was married and had his kids baptized in this church. Might not be your type of Church, but is is a large, influential, main stream black church in Chicago. These are things he chose, but everyone wants to focus on the 4 or 5 years he spent overseas, which according to his book, were lonely, but full of wonder for a 11 and 12 year old boy.

Compare to George Bush, who grew up the son of privilege, never a church goer, was by all accounts a rebel, immature coke head until he was 40 years old. However, somehow, this was all youthful indiscretion, and all was forgiven when he born again. (he never was much of a church goer.)

People so want to discredit Obama, they are willing to gin up every un-American stereo type to make them feel better that somehow this duly elected man isn't really 'our president'.

Whatever. There's a lot of folks who will never accept him.
I'm not sure anybody is 'ginning up' the muslim angle with Obama. The poll that came out today was conducted by Time magazine...a scientific poll. It came up with nearly 1 in 4 people believe Obama is a muslim, 2 in 4 believe he is a christian, and 1 in 4 don't know. These are people's honest opinions, the results of a poll, published in a left leaning magazine. Those 1 in 4 people honestly believe he is muslim, for a variety of reasons:

Father's religion
Secrecy about birth certificate
Renouncing Rev Wright
Statement that US is not a muslim country
Self professed desire to have closer ties with muslim world (including the unsavory dictators).

If Obama has a problem with people's confusion over his religion, he can place alot of the blame on himself...I'm a pretty avid listener of right wing radio, and so far I've missed the part where Limbaugh or Hannity 'ginned up' this muslim idea.

Not all of Obama's problems are the right's making...and the Rasmussen and Gallup polls are trending to show that he cannot keep making that claim.
dirty dog's Avatar
I think this argument is about as stupid as the birth certificate one. Bottom line is this, even if he is a Musilim is it going to change anything, those who support him will continue to support him and those that dont wont. Unless he starts doing crazy shit like declaring Sharia law the law of the land, denouncing Isreal, canceling christmas and begins wearing a head dress then I think it matters little. Who has time to look up all this stuff.
Dirty dog, the president's religion might be irrelevant...but that is only in a logical world. The admin has already responded to the poll, insisting the president is a christian. This is because he knows this is a landmine of an issue for him.

Why didn't John Kerry get elected?...because he wasn't like most of us. He tried to be 'everyman' (remember 'how do I git me a huntin license'?), but he couldn't pull it off...he came off as an elitist, ultra rich, silver spoon candidate.

Remember Bush senior marveling at a bar code scanner in a supermarket in 1992...people were amazed that he hadn't been in a supermarket for at least 10 years...he just didn't seem like us, and he lost.

We like to think that elections are decided by issues, but likeability is a big part of it. If people start to get in their heads that Obama 'is not like us', his re-election chances are shot. I predict we will start to see him going to church (perhaps even during his current vacation, he'll just pop in on a service). This is a distraction for him, for sure...but he will have no other choice.
Some think he is a Manchurian candidate.

Guess we better hit the tanning salon, let our beards grow out, and learn farsi.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
I think we will have him for another 3 years atleast. Would you be mad if he prayed to budda.
I really don't care what religion the Bamster practices or what his religious beliefs are. Remember, there was fear that when JFK was elected he would become subserviant to the dicates of the Vatican and the Pope instead of the laws of the US - those fears were unfounded.

LAC, you are right. He has no control over what his parents put on his birth certificate, no matter what country he was born in . The only thing that disturbs me is that he is throwing Israel "under the bus" in deference to the dicates of the middle east states, which might be (and I say might be) due to his Muslim youth and upbringing.
perpetualdesign's Avatar
You can tell what he is not by what he says, but what he does.
dirty dog's Avatar
You can tell what he is not by what he says, but what he does. Originally Posted by perpetualdesign
Which is why its easy to tell what he is, a progressive/liberal. His policies towards the middle east has more to do with the belief amoung most progressives that the hostility towards the US from the middle east is because of how we have treated them in the past and our allowing Isreal to do whatever it wishes (they beliefs not mine). With this as a phylosphy its easy to assume that the presidents policy would be exactly what it is, biased towards the middle east and away from Isreal. I wish people would stop trying to throw shit at the wall to see what sticks.
golfnfool58's Avatar
I believe he IS Muslim, but what is wrong with that? Why not admit it? It would show his diversity. But it's all politics in the end - whatever will get him the most votes or the greater approval numbers will be what the white house says. If saying he was a green-colored, tree worshiping Druid would get him above 50% approval, they'd do it.
john_galt's Avatar
I don't know what this thread had to do with George Bush. Let it go, it's for the good of your spleen.

The un-american stereotype includes being muslim? I didn't know that.
At the moment, kind of hard to defend this guy or the Democrats on any front. Other than spending a ton of money on nothing that seems to matter, not sure what they're doing for our country. The Muslim issue is starting to bother me, we don't really know who the guy is, Socialist? Marxist? Muslim Sympathizer? Just a guy with leftist views trying to do good?