Da Word

For those who can't understand the King James Version:

1. I'm God. Don't play me.
(I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any other gods before me.)

2. Don't be makin no hood ornaments and charms outta me, or like me.
(Thou shalt not have any graven images.)

3. Don't be callin' me for no reason.
(Thou shalt not use the name of the Lord thy God in vain.)

4. Yo butt betta be in church on Sunday, and not just the Sundays when it's Mother's day, Easter and Christmas.
(Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.)

5. Don't dis or cuss out yo momma...and if you know who ya daddy is, don't dis him neither.
(Honor thy father and mother.)

6. Don't be goin' on no drive bys.
(Thou shalt not kill.)

7. Stick to ya own Boo.
(Thou shalt not commit adultery.)

8. Don't be borrow'n stuff and don't give it back.
(Thou shalt not steal.)

9. Don't be snitchin' on the otha' man to save yo behind.
(Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy brother.)

10. Don't be eyein' (skeeming) yo homie's crib, ride, woman, or nuffin.
(Thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to thy brother.)

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
I love this shit this be the best thread ever for with in me is he the JAh Rasta kings of kings & lord of lords so step up if you wont
HeyMikie's Avatar
Damn. We may have stumbled upon a C2B Rosetta Stone.
john_galt's Avatar
I have to point out that in the Hebrew old testament it was "thou shall not MURDER". Kill is the wrong translation that has been around for centuries. Otherwise, they could not authorize wars which apparently God did in the old testament. Whatever happened to the Canaanites?